Cette liste indique les correspondances entre les plugins Omeka Classic et les modules Omeka S.

Toutes les extensions peuvent être téléchargées librement sur omeka.org, github.com ou gitlab.com. Certaines d’entre elles sont anciennes, cassées, non supportées ou en cours de développement. En général, elles fonctionnent au moins sur un site. En pratique, la plupart sont à jour et utiles.

Attention : n’installez pas les versions alpha ou beta des extensions sur un site en production ou aidez le développeur à les finaliser.

Déjà 204 / 569 (35%) plugins – les plus utilisés – ont un module équivalent pour Omeka S.

N’hésitez pas à signaler des plugins et modules manquants ou à créer un script de mise à jour pour le plugin Upgrade to Omeka S ou un importeur pour le module Omeka 2 Importer.

Voir davantage de détals sur les plugins et sur les modules.

Tapez quelques lettres pour filtrer la liste. Cliquez sur les en-têtes pour trier. Obtenez le fichier source en csv, mis à jour une fois par semaine. Les dépôts dérivés ne sont pas affichés, sauf lorsqu’ils ajoutent de nouvelles fonctionnalités.

Plugin Auteur Mis à jour Dernier Omeka S Min Max Module Note
Accessibility Plus 2022-05-03 1.0
Access Keys 2015-04-11 1.2
Add Item Link 2023-01-27 0.1
Additional Resources 2020-10-15 1.0
Add Subtitle 2014-11-13 0.1.0
AddThis 2016-03-24 0.1 Yes Sharing Only common social networks (Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Tumblr, email) and embed, but not AddThis.
Admin Analytics 2016-10-18 1.0 Yes Analytics Snippet Analytics Snippet supports public and admin side of the site, together or separately.
Admin Images 2024-06-03 1.6 Yes [Integrated] Assets in Omeka S.
adminMessage 2018-09-19 0.0.0
Admin Tools 2022-11-18 1.6 Yes (partial) Easy Admin
Admin User Management 2021-02-15 1.0 Yes [Integrated]
Advanced Search Element Order 2019-11-23 1.0
Ajax Create 2013-12-17 0.1
Amazon S3 Storage Adapter 2023-04-19 1.1.0 Yes Amazon S3
Analytics 2016-09-26 1.0
Analytics Dimensions 2023-04-27 2.0 Yes Analytics Snippet Analytics Snippet manages submodules that can ping any analytics system. See an example for Piwik [Analytics Snippet - Piwik].
Annotate 2014-06-19 1.0 Yes Annotate
Annotations 2014-01-30 0.0.1
Annotator 2016-04-04 0.2
Annotator 2023-01-28 1.0.1
Architecture Analyse Type 2014-11-03 0.1 Yes [Integrated] Vocabularies are now standardized and importable directly (rdf). Specific vocabularies can be created by the module CustomOntology.
Archive Document 2020-02-09 2.4.1
Archive Folder 2021-10-12 2.7 Yes Bulk Import Files The module Bulk Import Files can be used jointly with module Bulk Import.
Archive Repertory 2024-02-08 2.15.8 Yes Archive Repertory
Archiviz 2024-08-22 1.0.0
Archiviz-Elasticsearch 2023-06-09 1.0.0
Ark & Noid 2023-09-30 2.5.2 Yes Ark
ASHP specific XML file 2013-10-07 0.1
Assignments 2016-06-22 1.1 Yes [Integrated]
Assign Owner 2016-06-07 0.1 Yes [Integrated]
Astrodome Citations 2020-01-09 1.0
Audio Recorder 2017-12-11 1.1
Authentification 2019-07-19 2.0 Yes CAS
Auto Gloss 2017-12-11 0.1
Automatic Available 2018-06-30 0.1
Autotagging 2018-06-29 1.1
AvalonVideo 2018-08-15 2.0
AvantAdmin 2024-02-28 3.1.0
AvantCommon 2024-03-12 3.1.0
AvantCustom 2024-07-29 3.1.0
AvantDPLA 2021-10-24 3.1.0
AvantElasticsearch 2024-02-29 3.1.0
AvantElements 2024-03-08 3.1.0
AvantLocation 2022-04-13 3.1.0
AvantMapsAlive 2022-04-13 3.1.0
AvantRelationships 2023-11-10 3.1.0
AvantS3 2024-08-07 3.2.0
AvantSearch 2024-08-12 4.0.0
AvantZoom 2022-04-10 3.1.0
Babel 2022-11-23 0.9 Yes Babel
BackendLogs 2024-12-20 0.8
BagIt 2020-11-17 2.0.1
Batch Uploader 2024-08-27 1.1.0
Beam Me Up to Internet Archive 2013-07-08 2.3
Beam Me Up to SoundCloud 2016-05-26 2.2.1
Bibnum BxM 2016-08-31 2.0
Bibtex export 2019-11-27 0.1
BIO 2017-05-10 0.9 Yes [Integrated] Vocabularies are now standardized and importable directly (rdf). Specific vocabularies can be created by the module CustomOntology.
Block Party 2022-02-14 1.0.1
Blocks 2024-03-08 0.3 Yes [Integrated]
Blogger 2018-07-10 1.1
Blog Shortcode 2018-02-19 1.0
Book Core 2024-08-03 0.1 Yes [Integrated] Vocabularies are now standardized and importable directly (rdf). Specific vocabularies can be created by the module CustomOntology.
Bookmarks 2020-06-04 0.1
Bookmeka 2019-11-23 0.1
BookReader 2023-11-21 2.7
Book reader gallery layout 2021-02-15 1.0
BrowseValues 2017-10-26 1.0.0 Yes [Integrated]
Bulk Import Files 2024-04-16 Yes Bulk Import Files
Bulk Metadata Editor 2024-04-17 2.9.1 Yes Metadata Editor | Bulk Edit
Bulk Users 2024-08-16 0.1 Yes CSV Import | Bulk Import Users can be imported via a spreadsheet.
CA Layouts 2017-06-22 1.0
Calendar 2017-12-11 2.0.1
Canned Search 2021-07-12 0.0.1
Cart 2018-01-12 0.1
Carta 2020-03-08 1.2.2
Carts 2019-01-15 1.0.1
Casify 2024-09-04 1.0
Catalog Search 2023-01-27 1.0.3
CategoryBrowse 2016-03-28 0.1 Yes Reference
Category Browse 2020-02-09 2.1 Yes Reference
Category Tree 2019-11-23 1.0 Yes Thesaurus
CA Timeline 2017-06-22 1.0 Yes Timeline
Central Auth 2024-11-25 2.0 Yes
CheckLinks 2021-02-15 0.1
Clean Url 2024-04-28 2.16.1 Yes (auto) Clean Url
ClearCacheForCap 2023-01-28 0.1
Clickable Links 2018-02-13 0.1
Clickable Links Plus 2022-07-21 1.4
COinS 2023-12-20 2.1.1 Yes (auto) COinS Consider the module UnApi too.
Collaborate 2019-01-15 0.1
Collation Builder 2019-11-19 0.1
Collection Files 2021-05-29 0.7.1
Collection Helpers 2021-05-20 0.0.1
Collection Relations 2019-12-05 0.1
Collections 2023-11-29 1.0
Collections Browse Results 2018-09-11 0.0.0
CollectionSpace Importer 2015-08-13 -
Collections Plus 2024-04-22 1.3
Collection Tree 2023-12-12 2.1 Yes ItemSetsTree | Hierarchy
Color Code Syntax Highlighter 2015-12-16 0.1
Colsort 2021-02-15 0.1
Commenting 2024-12-03 2.4 Yes Comment
Commons 2024-03-08 1.0
Commons API 2024-03-08 1.0
Concise Search 2017-10-26 1.1.2
Conditional Elements 2017-12-10 0.1
Connected Carousel 2015-06-15 2.2
Content DM Link 2017-07-17 1.6
Contribution 2024-11-04 3.3 Yes Collecting | Contribute
Contribution Tweaks 2016-02-17 0.9
Contributor Contact 2017-11-28 1.1
Contributor Information Metadata 2014-06-04 1.0
Controlled Vocabulary 2014-03-01 0.1 Yes Custom Vocab
Correct Citation 1.0
Corrections 2024-06-03 1.0 Yes Contribute
Course Tools 2022-04-11 1.2 Yes [Integrated] Omeka S contains new roles and permissions.
CreativeCommonsChooser 2015-12-14
CrowdEd 2020-10-21 0.8.1
CSS Editor 2023-07-24 1.2 Yes CSS Editor
CSV Export 2023-06-22 1.0 Yes Bulk Export
CSVExport 2023-06-22 1.1 Yes Bulk Export
CSV Export Format 2024-01-12 1.1.2 Yes Bulk Export
CSV Import 2018-12-18 1.3
CSV Import 2023-04-06 2.0.7 Yes CSV Import | Bulk Import
CSV Import+ 2019-01-22 2.3.3 Yes CSV Import | Bulk Import
CsvImportPenn 2018-10-12 2.0.4 Yes Bulk Import
CTC Guides 2021-06-16 1.0
CulCustomize 2017-02-08 1
Curatescape Admin Helper 2024-09-20 1.6.5
Curator Monitor 2020-02-09 2.4.7 Yes (partial) History Log
Custom Citation 2023-05-29 1.0
Custom Items Batch Form 2014-11-03 0.1
DatabaseBackup 2017-10-26 0.1
Database Transfer 2014-12-15 0.1
Database Transfer 2018-12-18 0.5
Date Picker 2016-01-15 1.1
Date Search 2023-03-12 0.1
ddsearch 2023-12-06 0.1
Deepzoom Viewer 2014-10-23 1.0 Yes [Integrated] OpenSeadragon is integrated in Omeka S and the module IIIF Server may create tiles automatically.
Default Dublin Core 2020-10-20 1.1 Yes [Integrated]
Default Language 2019-01-02 0.0.0 Yes [Integrated]
Default Metadata 2023-01-21 3.0.1 Yes Advanced Resource Template
Default Search Options 2018-09-27 1.0
Default Sort 2018-05-16 1.0.0 Yes [Integrated]
Default Sort 2024-03-14 1.2 Yes [Integrated]
Default Usage 2019-01-02 0.0.0
Derivative Images 2023-11-02 2.0 Yes Derivative Media
Designer Role 2021-12-08 1.0
Digital Object Linker 2023-04-19 2.0.1
Digitool 2015-04-14 0.2
DisplayUnpublishedExhibits 2019-05-19 1.0
Disqus 2017-06-15 1.3-0.1
Disqus Engage 2021-09-03 1.0.1
Docs Viewer 2024-04-10 2.2
DOC Text 2023-01-27 1.0
Doc to HTML 2017-02-28 0.1
Donate to RRCHNM 2021-02-15 1.0 Yes Donate to RRCHNM
Download Protect 2020-02-09 2.1 Yes Access
Dropbox 2024-07-03 1.0 Yes File Sideload
DS 2019-11-23 0.1
Dspace Restapi Harvester 2017-11-02 0.1 Yes DSpace Connector
Dublin Core Extended 2023-11-07 2.3 Yes (auto) 2.0 2.2 [Integrated]
Duplicate Item 2019-12-23 0.1
E-mail Notification 2022-09-28 1.4
E-mail Users 2021-09-16 1.2
EAD 2020-02-09 2.4.3 Yes EAD
EAD Import 2023-01-27 1.0 Yes EAD | Bulk Import
Edit Link 2017-10-10 1.0
Edit Links 2019-08-22 0.1
Editorial 2024-10-30 1.2
EHRI Data 2022-12-07 1.0.0
Eileen Southern 2021-07-22 0.1
Elasticsearch 2023-08-21 1.2.0
Element Administration 2019-11-13 0.1 Yes [Integrated]
ElementLinks 2020-10-15 1.0
ElementManager 2017-10-31 0.1 Yes [Integrated] Vocabularies are now standardized and importable directly (rdf). Specific vocabularies can be created by the module CustomOntology.
Element Types 2020-10-27 0.5.0 Yes Datatype RDF
Eman Citation 2019-08-22 0.1
EMAN Exports Formats 2019-10-30 1.0.1 Yes Bulk Export
Eman Index 2021-05-03 0.1
Embed Codes 2023-05-23 1.0 Yes (auto) 1.0 1.0 Sharing No embedded statistics.
Enhanced Collections 2023-06-14 0.1.0
Entities 2020-03-25 0.5-dev
Escher 2020-02-09 2.4.1 Yes (auto) Easy Install
ESearch 2017-10-26 0.0.1
EU Cookie Bar 2023-09-07 2.0.0-beta.3 Yes EU Cookie Bar
Europeana 2022-11-30 2.1.0
Europeana4dExport 2014-11-03 0.1
Europeana Element Set 2020-02-09 2.1 Yes [Integrated] Vocabularies are now standardized and importable directly (rdf). Specific vocabularies can be created by the module CustomOntology.
Exhibit Access 2016-09-13 -
Exhibit Builder 2024-04-25 3.7 Yes [Integrated]
Exhibit Image Annotation 2021-09-21 1.2
Experimental Beijing 2018-06-12 0.1.0
Export 2013-10-02 -0.1alpha Yes Bulk Export
Export 2015-06-08 0.1 Yes Bulk Export
Export 2018-10-03 2.0 Yes Bulk Export
ExportEacCpf 2023-10-25 0.1
Export to SPOKEdb JSON 2017-03-14 0.0.20
External Feed 2023-01-29 1.0
Extract OCR 2021-02-15 1.0.1 Yes Extract Ocr
Facet By Metadata 2019-11-23 1.0.3 Yes Faceted Browse
Faceted Browsing 2017-12-11 1.0 Yes Faceted Browse
Facets 2022-09-03 1.0 Yes Faceted Browse
Fake Cron 2013-10-27 0.1
Favorites 2017-12-11 0.1 Yes Selection
Fedora Connector 2023-01-27 2.1.5 Yes Fedora Connector
Feedback 2022-12-07 1.0.0
Feed Importer 2019-11-23 0.1
File Download 2020-11-17 1.0
File Modify 2024-04-24 2.4 Yes Media Watermark
File Relations 2019-12-05 0.1 Yes [Integrated]
Filter Admin Form 2018-02-13 1.0
Find And Replace 2018-11-11 2.0.0 Yes Bulk Edit
FirePHP 2018-11-11 1.0
Flickr Import 2024-07-16 1.3
Foo 2020-06-13 0.1.0
ForbesPurchaseForm 2018-02-13 0.1
GDriveLinks 2022-05-13 1.0.0
GenerateThumbnails 2022-11-24 0.0.1 Yes Easy Admin | Create Missing Thumbnails
GeoBlacklight Metadata 2023-01-27 1.5.1
GeoChron 2014-01-07 1.2
GeoChron 2018-04-03 2.0
Geolocation 2024-12-03 3.3 Yes Mapping Really free (no Google Map but Leaflet/OpenStreetMap), smarter, with multipoints and layers.
Geolocation PLUS 2016-03-15 2.1 Yes Mapping Really free (no Google Map but Leaflet/OpenStreetMap), smarter, with multipoints and layers.
Geolocation Plus 2021-02-27 1.0.0 Yes Mapping
Geolocation to Coverage 2018-07-24 0.1 Yes Mapping
Get OHMS Text 2019-02-08 0.0.0
Getty Suggest 2020-10-15 1.4 Yes Value Suggest
Google Analytics 2020-12-11 2.1.0 Yes Google Analytics | Google Analytics See [Analytics Snippet] too: it allows to add a snippet for any analytics system.
GoogleAnalytics 2021-04-13 1.3-1.0 Yes Google Analytics | Google Analytics
Google Analytics 2014-04-08 0.1 Yes Google Analytics | Google Analytics
Google Analytics 2018-02-07 0.1.1 Yes Google Analytics | Google Analytics
Google Analytics 2021-10-08 2.0 Yes Google Analytics | Google Analytics
GoogleAnalytics 2021-05-20 0.0.1 Yes Google Analytics | Google Analytics
Google Analytics for Omeka 2014-07-09 Yes Google Analytics | Google Analytics See [Analytics Snippet] too: it allows to add a snippet for any analytics system.
Google Login 2021-05-18 1.0
Google Tag Manager 2013-12-18 0.1.0 Yes Google Tag Manager Analytics Snippet manages submodules that can ping any analytics system. See an example for Piwik [Analytics Snippet - Piwik].
Google Translate 2013-12-01 1.0
Graph 2020-12-31 0.2
Groups 2024-03-08 1.1
Guest User 2021-09-23 1.2 Yes (auto) Guest
Harvard Key 2023-03-22 1.0.1
Headless 2021-10-15 0.1.0
Heads Up 2024-11-15 0.3
Heist 2018-02-13 1.1
Helper 2021-11-01 0.9
Helpers 2020-02-09 2.13 Yes Block Plus
Hide Elements 2023-08-09 1.4 Yes Hide Properties
Hide Files 2023-08-01 1.3
History Log 2022-08-15 2.10 Yes History Log
HMP Browse Items Menu 2018-06-30 0.1
Honor Thy Contributors 2023-01-27 0.1.3
Honor Thy Librarians 2021-10-22 1.3
Hotlink URLs 2018-02-12 0.0.0
HTML5 Media 2020-06-13 2.8.1 Yes [Integrated]
Html Display 2015-02-25 1.0 Yes [Integrated]
HTML Viewer 2015-09-02 0.2.3
HydraHlsEmbed 2017-04-08 0.1
Identity 2017-01-30 0.0.0
Idref 2018-05-30 0.1 Yes IdRef
iFrame Allow Fullscreen 2024-01-19 1.0.0
IIIF 2023-12-19 1.1 Yes (auto) IIIF Server
IIIF Manifest Filter 2020-07-01 2.0.1 Yes IIIF Server
IIIF Toolkit 2024-12-12 1.1.0
IIIF Toolkit / IIIF API Synchronization Bridge 2018-04-05 1.0.0
IIIF Toolkit Annotation Remapper 2021-05-27 1.0.0
IIIF Toolkit Embed 2023-08-07 1.1
Image Annotation 2013-10-17 1.0.1 Yes Cartography
Image Atlas 2013-12-16 0.1
Image Manager 2023-01-28 2.1
Image Resize 2014-04-18 1.0
Import 2017-10-31 0.2.0 Yes Bulk Import
Import Hyperlink 2023-12-08 3.0 Yes [Integrated]
Import Reader Skeleton 2021-02-15 0.1.0
Incite 2021-01-26 0.0.1
Indipetae Citations 2023-10-10 1.1
IndipetaePdfBuilder 2023-10-10 1.0.0
Intense Debate 2021-09-03 1.0.2
Internet Archive 2020-06-10 0.1
IP Restrict 2018-11-11 1.1.0 Yes Access
ISAD(G) Element Set 2024-10-26 2.1 Yes [Integrated] Vocabularies are now standardized and importable directly (rdf). Specific vocabularies can be created by the module CustomOntology.
Item Compare 2020-12-31 0.2
Item Duplicate Check 2021-10-20 0.2.0 Yes Deduplicate
Item Duplicator 2022-05-15 1.4 Yes Copy Resources
Item Edit Lock 2017-12-11 1.0 Yes Easy Admin
Item Metadata to Files 2021-05-12 1.0
Item Order 2023-03-10 2.0.2
Item References 2017-09-07 0.1
Item Relations 2023-02-10 2.2.1 Yes [Integrated] Rdf allows to create relations with any resources.
Item Review 2018-12-18 1.1
Item SEO 2022-11-07 1.0.1
Items Partial Shortcode 2019-11-23 0.1
Items Show Log 2017-12-11 1.0 Yes Statistics
Item Views 2021-02-15 1.0.1
Iu Website 2018-08-14 2.0
Job Diagnostics 2024-01-03 1.0.1 Yes Easy Admin
JQuery 2013-10-22 Yes [Integrated]
Json Feed of Featured Items 2013-10-05 0.1 Yes Feed
KalturaVideo 2018-09-04 1.0
KDNP Object 2017-02-05 1.0.0
Koha Authority Suggest 2021-08-26 0.2.0
KUDL Identity Client 2017-01-30 0.0.0
Landmarks 2017-05-18 1.4
Language Switcher 2023-08-02 0.0.1 Yes Internationalisation Omeka S is multi-lingual.
LatLon 2013-12-17 0.0.1
LC Suggest 2021-09-21 2.0.4 Yes Value Suggest
Ldap 2023-06-14 0.4.0 Yes Ldap
Libis Connector 2018-02-13 1.0
Library of Congress Subject Headings 2019-02-07 1.1 Yes Value Suggest
Lightbox Gallery 2019-11-23 1.2.0 Yes [Integrated]
LimitedContributor 2017-12-21 0.0.1
Limit visibility to own 2023-01-27 1.3
Linked Data Elements 2018-10-31 2.5 Yes [Integrated] Omeka S is semantic.
Link External Data 2017-01-30 0.1
Linkify 2017-01-30 1.0
Linkify Text 2023-12-04 1.0
Linkify URL 2021-10-20 2.1
Link Resource 2018-12-18 0.0.0
Linnaeus Admin Helper 2021-02-24 1.0
Live Book 2013-10-09 2.8
Locale 2023-03-09 1.0 Yes [Integrated] Omeka S is multi-lingual.
Locale Switcher 2019-01-09 0.2.1 Yes Intenationalisation Omeka S is multi-lingual.
LoggedInLinks 2019-03-13 1.0
Login Home 2015-07-16 0.1 Yes [Integrated] The home page is now a standard pages, that are flexible.
Maintenance 2021-04-16 0.1.0 Yes Maintenance
Mall Extensions 2022-03-07 0.1
Mall Map 2024-05-24 1.0-dev
MapFig 2023-03-04 2.0.1
Mapping Northlake 2021-02-15 0.1.0
MapsAlive 2023-03-10 1.2
Masquerade 2019-11-13 0.1
Matomo 2024-12-05 1.2
Measurement Search 2019-04-09 0.1
Media Buckets 2020-10-15 1.0
MediaRSS 2014-03-25 1.0
Merritt Link 2017-07-17 1.9
MetadataBrowser 2016-03-28 0.11
Metadata Browser 2020-02-09 2.11 Yes Metadata Browse
MetaMetaData 2017-12-11 0.1
METS Export 2017-12-11 1.3
METSExport 2020-03-19 1.1
Military Life Memories Project Contribution 2018-05-24 1.2
Mirador 2019-11-13 2.2 Yes Mirador
Mirror Exhibit Page 2020-09-23 1.0 Yes Block Plus
Miscellaneous Element Set 2019-08-01 1.0 Yes [Integrated] Vocabularies are now standardized and importable directly (rdf). Specific vocabularies can be created by the module CustomOntology.
MLA Citations 2019-07-25 1.1
MlaTei 2016-01-22 1.0
MOAS Derivatives 2016-07-12 1.1.0
MOASDocs 2016-11-04 0.0.1
MOAS Elements 2017-07-27 1.4.1 Yes [Integrated] Vocabularies are now standardized and importable directly (rdf). Specific vocabularies can be created by the module CustomOntology.
MOAS Item Types 2017-08-11 1.2.8
MODS 2016-02-21 1.0 Yes [Integrated] Vocabularies are now standardized and importable directly (rdf). Specific vocabularies can be created by the module CustomOntology.
MODS Expanded 2022-12-01 1.0
More Media Types 2023-02-08 1.4
More Metadata For Collections 1.0 Yes [Integrated] Vocabularies are now standardized and importable directly (rdf). Specific vocabularies can be created by the module CustomOntology.
More User Roles 2021-11-01 1.0.2 Yes (auto) 1.0 1.0.1 [Integrated]
Mosaic 2015-07-17 1.0
Mud 2015-01-02 -
Multilanguage 2023-11-15 1.5.0 Yes Intenationalisation Omeka S is multi-lingual.
Multimedia Display 2017-02-08 1.3
Multiple Collections 2017-06-27 1.0 Yes [Integrated]
Muslim Journeys Admin 2013-12-16 0.1
My Omeka 2023-01-28 1.0-dev
My Omeka 2013-10-03 1.0
NAL Exhibit Layouts 2021-02-15 1.2
NAL Shortcodes 2018-03-29 1.0
Neatline 2024-03-14 2.6.4 Yes Neatline
Neatline Cover Image 2018-09-28 0.0.2
Neatline CSV Import 2023-01-27 0.1
Neatline Display Extensions 2015-12-22 1.0
Neatline Editions 2023-01-27 0.1
NeatlineFeatures 2023-03-09 2.0.5
Neatline Maps 2023-01-27 1.0.1
NeatlineMerge 2021-05-12 0.0.1
Neatline Time 2023-08-04 2.1.2 Yes (auto) 2.2.4 Timeline Port.
Neatline Web Service 2023-01-27 0.1
Neatline ~ SIMILE Timeline 2023-01-27 2.0.4
Neatline ~ Text 2023-01-27 1.1.0
Neatline ~ Waypoints 2024-08-15 2.0.2
Net Export 2013-12-11 1.0
Newsletter 2019-11-27 0.1
Ngram 2023-01-17 1.2
NKAAWikiLookup 2024-01-30 0.0.0
Nuxeo Link 2016-06-08 1.1.12
OAI-PMH Gateway 2020-02-09 2.3.1
OAI-PMH Harvester 2023-10-03 2.0.4 yes OAI-PMH Harvester
OAI-PMH Repository 2024-02-09 2.2 Yes OAI-PMH Repository
OAI-PMH Static Repository 2020-09-03 2.6
OaiDcGallica 2018-02-28 0.1.0 Yes [Integrated]
OAI Qualified DC for OAI-PMH Repository 2023-11-29 1.0 Yes OAI-PMH Repository
OCR 2018-12-18 1.0 Yes Extract Ocr | Extract Text
OCR Element Set 2020-02-09 2.6 Yes [Integrated] Vocabularies are now standardized and importable directly (rdf). Specific vocabularies can be created by the module CustomOntology.
Oembed Import 2020-06-25 2.0.0 Yes [Integrated]
Ohana Client 2017-03-06 0.0.0
OHMS Embed 2024-11-22 0.1
OHMSExport 2023-07-18 1.1
OHMS Import 2024-06-10 2.0.7
OHMS Object 2023-01-14 1.0.0
OHMS Oral History Metadata Element Set 2018-05-16 1.0.0
OHMSxml for the SPOKEdb Database 2017-01-30 2.1
Omeka API Import 2024-10-09 1.1.2 Yes Omeka 2 Importer
Omeka Bootstrap Social Sharing 2013-11-26 0.6
Omeka Devel 2022-05-06 1.1
Omeka Element Set Example 2017-10-26 0.1 Yes [Integrated] Vocabularies are now standardized and importable directly (rdf). Specific vocabularies can be created by the module CustomOntology.
Omeka Errbit 2013-10-01 0.0.1
Omeka Footnotes JS 2023-03-17 1.1 Yes Datatype RDF
Omeka Mapfig Studio 2016-04-23 1.0
Omeka On Ovh 2020-02-09 2.3
OpenGraph and Twitter Meta Tags 2023-04-18 1.0
OpenLayersZoom 2023-04-15 2.3 Yes IIIF Server | Image Server OpenLayers can be replaced by OpenSeadragon, integrated in Omeka S, and the tiler is integrated in the module IIIF Server.
OpenLayers Zoom 2023-04-15 2.8.3 Yes (auto) IIIF Server | Image Server OpenLayers can be replaced by OpenSeadragon, integrated in Omeka S, and the tiler is integrated in the module IIIF Server.
OpenSeadragon 2023-01-28 0.3.1
OpenSeadragon TEI Viewer 2021-05-24 0.0.3 Yes XML Viewer
Open Seadragon v2 2016-01-11 0.0.1 Yes (auto) IIIF Server | Image Server OpenSeadragon is integrated in Omeka S and the module IIIF Server may create tiles automatically.
Orphan 2017-09-19 0.1
PageBanner 2020-10-23 0.1
Page Caching 2020-02-09 2.1
Paginate 2024-09-04 1.0 Yes [Integrated]
Participate 2021-02-15 0.1 Yes Contribute | Collecting
PBCore 2014-06-23 1.0 Yes [Integrated]
PBCore 2 2019-10-14 1.0.0 Yes [Integrated]
PDF Create 2020-06-10 2.0
PDF Embed 2024-05-23 1.2 Yes PDF Embed
PdfItems 2020-06-12 0.1
PDF Output 2018-12-18 1.1
PDF Search 2020-11-17 1.0.1
PDF Text 2022-04-18 1.3.1 Yes Pdf Text
PDF Text Modified 2018-01-26 1
PDF TOC 2020-10-15 1.0.3
Peddler Citation 2018-05-15 1.0
PhillySimpleGallery 2018-07-19 1.0
Plan du site 2018-11-09 1.0
Podcast Feed 2024-05-06 1.0.4
Posters 2018-02-14 1.1
Project Guide 2019-02-18 1.0
Public Edit Link 2023-01-27 1.1.0
Purl 2019-11-23 0.1
Range Search 2017-12-10 0.3
Rating 2020-02-09 2.1
Ratings 2015-07-07 0.6
Read More 2017-10-26 1.0
Reassign Files 2016-12-06 0.1
Reassign Ownership 2020-05-18 1.0
Record Relations 2016-05-23 2.0.1 Yes [Integrated] Rdf allows to create relations with any resources.
Recursive Suppression 2017-03-28 0.0.3
Redact Elements 2019-02-18 1.0 Yes [Integrated] Vocabularies are now standardized and importable directly (rdf). Specific vocabularies can be created by the module CustomOntology.
Reference 2023-04-26 2.7 Yes Reference
refNum Element Set 2020-02-09 2.4 Yes [Integrated] Vocabularies are now standardized and importable directly (rdf). Specific vocabularies can be created by the module CustomOntology.
Related Content 2021-12-05 2.0
Remote File 2018-08-14 -1.0 beta Yes [Integrated]
Render JSON 2019-01-01 0.0.0
Reorder Element Texts 2018-02-13 0.1 Yes [Integrated]
Replace DC:Title in all views 2013-04-01 1.2
Reports 2021-09-21 2.0.3
Resource Meta 2023-05-03 1.0.0
REST 2017-12-11 0.0.3
Rights Statements 2018-06-14 1.2 Yes Value Suggest
Role Magick 2021-02-15 0.1
Rosetta 2015-11-19 0.2
Rotate Picture 2019-04-02 1.0.1
Saga 2014-02-04 0.1
Save Search 2017-01-05 0.1 Yes Search History
Scripto 2024-07-25 2.5 Yes Scripto
ScriptoMarkitup 2024-04-16 1.0
Scriptus 2020-05-13 1.0
Search Between 2019-10-08 2.0.0
Search by Metadata 2023-03-10 1.2.1
Search By Metadata 2018-04-16 1.0
Search By Metadata 2024-08-27 1.2.1
Search Tweaks 2018-12-18 0.3
Security Tweaks 2016-01-06 0.9
Select2 2017-12-11 0.3
Select Owner 2019-12-16 1.2
Seo 2018-09-27 0.1
ShadowPage 2020-07-01 0.1
Shared Shelf Link 2018-08-15 1.0
Shortcode Carousel 2023-03-10 1.0.2
ShortcodeVideo 2018-08-15 1.0
Side Auth 2017-12-11 1.0
SimpleCart 2019-01-15 1.0
Simple Contact 2020-02-09 0.7.0 Yes Contact Us
Simple Contact Form 2021-09-21 1.1.1 Yes Contact Us
Simple Open Graph Tags 2019-02-10 1.0
Simple Pages 2022-11-15 3.2.1 Yes (auto) 3.0.8 3.0.8 [Integrated]
SimpleSAMLphp 2024-12-11 1.0
Simple Search Tweaks 2019-10-08 2.0.0
Simple Vocab 2024-09-11 2.3 Yes Custom Vocab
Simple Vocab Plus 2022-08-20 3.1.2 Yes Custom Vocab
Sisyphus 2020-12-11 0.1
Sitemap 2021-02-08 1.0 Yes Site Maps
Sitemap 2 2019-02-19 2.3 Yes Site Maps
Site Message 2021-11-01 1.0
Site Notes 2014-05-10 1.0.1
Sites 2024-03-08 1.2
Social Bookmarking 2023-06-14 2.1.1 Yes (auto) 2.0 2.2 Sharing Only common social networks (Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Tumblr, email) and embed, but not AddThis.
SocialMediaElementSet 2014-11-29 1.0 Yes [Integrated] Vocabularies are now standardized and importable directly (rdf). Specific vocabularies can be created by the module CustomOntology.
Solr Search 2023-10-12 2.3.0 Yes Search Solr | Solr
SoundCloud 2013-10-12 0.1
Specific 2020-02-09 2.0 Yes Easy Admin
Spokedb Accession 2019-04-18 0.0.0
Spoke Relationships 2017-03-28 0.0.1
Spreadsheet 2019-11-23 Yes Bulk Export
Stats 2022-03-02 Yes Statistics
StreamOnly 2021-08-09 1.0.2
Structured Names 2017-01-30 0.0.0
SubjectBrowse 2023-01-28 1.0 Yes Reference Replaced by Reference.
Subjects Browse 2022-08-22 1.0.1
Subject To tags 2019-08-22 0.1
Suggest Anything 2015-07-01 2.3.2 Yes Value Suggest | Value Suggest Any
Super Eight Festivals 2020-06-09 1.0.0
Super RSS 2022-12-08 1.1.0 Yes Feed
Switch Language 2022-08-22 1.1 Yes Locale Switch
Tagging 2020-06-22 2.3.2 Yes Folksonomy
Tag Info 2020-03-13 0.0.1
Tag Management 2018-11-11 1.0
Tagroups 2016-05-02 0.0.1
Tags In Collection 2019-12-17 1.0
Takeback Customizations 2024-08-15 0.0.1
Taxonomy 2019-02-19 0.3.0 Yes Taxonomy | Thesaurus
TCs Dialogue 2017-02-28 0.3
Teaching Images (add item type) 2013-10-22 0.0.1
TeiAnnotationsPlugin 2014-10-31 1.0
TEI Display 2023-01-27 1.0 Yes XML Viewer
Tei Display 2019-11-23 2.0 Yes XML Viewer
TEI Editions 2024-12-11 1.0.0-pre13
Template 2024-12-16 1.0
Terms Of Service 2013-12-14 0.2.2
Test 2019-11-23 0.1 Yes Faceted Browse
Text Analysis 2017-07-06 2.5
Text Annotation 2023-03-10 1.0
ThePlugin 2023-01-27 0.1 Yes Module Base | Module Bootstrap
Three JS Viewer 2020-07-30 0.0.4 Yes Model Viewer | [integrated]
Timeline 2023-01-27 0.1.1 Yes Timeline
Timeline 2022-10-26 1.0 Yes Timeline
Timeline 2023-12-11 2.1 Yes Timeline
Timeline Shortcode 2020-06-16 1.1 Yes Block Plus
TinyMCE Mod 2018-11-11 -
Tiny MCE Mod 2018-05-24 0.1
TOC for UniversalViewer 2018-10-09 1.0.1 Yes IIIF Server
Transcript 2023-10-24 0.9
Transfer File Text Extension 2021-07-14 0.0.1
Translations 2021-02-15 2.1 Yes Internationalisation
Tumbleka 2014-01-08 1.0
Twiter Cards 2018-02-13 0.1
UiTemplates 2021-05-03 0.1
UniversalViewer 2024-10-04 2.6.0-beta.2 Yes (auto) 2.4.2 2.4.2 Universal Viewer
Upgrade to Omeka Semantic 2024-12-17 Yes (auto) 2.0.1 Upgrade From Omeka Classic Install the compatibility layer for themes.
User Privilege Customization 2023-07-07 1.0
User Profiles 2021-09-21 1.3 Yes User Profile
User Tags 2024-03-08 1.0
VideoStream 2019-01-13 2.3
Vimeo Import 2017-11-28 1.3
Visuals 2016-03-29 0.1
Vocatroll 2017-12-11 0.0.7
VoiceCommenting 2014-06-01 2.0
VRA Core 2022-09-27 1.2 Yes [Integrated] Vocabularies are now standardized and importable directly (rdf). Specific vocabularies can be created by the module CustomOntology.
VRA Core Element Set 2023-01-27 1.0 Yes [Integrated] Vocabularies are now standardized and importable directly (rdf). Specific vocabularies can be created by the module CustomOntology.
Waterfall Gallery Layout 2015-11-25 0.3
Web Services Shortcodes 2014-12-04 0.1
Website_URL_Add 2018-05-16 0.5
WikiCite for Omeka 2018-06-25 2.0
Wikipedia Citations 2022-08-10 1.1
XMediaLinks 2024-01-29 0.0.0
XML Import 2024-08-15 2.16 Yes Bulk Import
XmlSitemap 2019-05-22 0.11
YouTube Import 2022-08-15 1.3 Yes [Integrated]
Zoom.it 2014-02-27 2.0 Yes (auto) Image Server The module Image Server may create tiles automatically for the default viewer OpenSeadragon.
Zotero Import 2024-05-29 2.3 Yes Zotero Import