This list brings together all the existing Omeka Classic plugins.

All plugins can be downloaded freely on, or Some of them are old, broken, unsupported or a work in progress. Usually, they work at least on one site. But most of them are up-to-date for Omeka Classic and useful. Some of them are listed in

Already 113 / 563 (20%) plugins – the most used ones – have an equivalent module for Omeka S.

Feel free to add missing plugins or modules, or to create an upgrader for the plugin Upgrade to Omeka S, or an importer for the module Omeka 2 Importer.

Warning: Don’t install alpha or beta version of addons on a site in production, or help the developper to finalize it.

Type some letters to filter the list. Click on row headers to sort. Get the csv source file, updated once a week. Forks are not displayed, except when they add new features.

Plugin Author Updated Upgradable Target License Tags Description
Accessibility Plus Alec Wang, Austin Mason, & Chris Padilla 2022-05-03
2.7 accessibility AccessibilityPlus is an Omeka plugin designed to improve the accessibility features of Omeka sites.
Access Keys / Cory Bohon 2015-04-11
2.0 accessibility,
access keys,
universal access,,,
cory bohon
Allows an Omeka administrator to specify site-wide keyboard shortcuts for blind or visually impaired end users.
Add Item Link Lincoln A. Mullen 2023-01-27
0.1 2.0 GPLv3 Add an add item link to the admin bar
Add Subtitle Anna Michelle Martinez-Montavon 2014-11-13
2.0 GPLv3 metadata,
Add a field to the Exhibit database table. (You'll have to make changes in Exhibit Builder to be able to access and make changes to this field, sorry.)
AddThis Libis 2016-03-24
Yes 1.3.2 social,
Adds the Addthis button/script to Omeka
Admin Analytics Erin Bell 2016-10-18
Yes 2.4 GPLv3 google analytics,
An Omeka plugin that tracks usage of the admin panel, potentially useful for project managers and teachers who wish to track logins and usage patterns.
Admin Images UC Santa Cruz University Library and Daniele Binaghi 2024-06-03
1.3 Yes 2.1 GPLv3 Allows administrators to upload images not attached to Items for use in carousels and Simple Pages
adminMessage Eric C. Weig 2018-09-19
2.0 MIT Displays custom message on admin item show pages.
Admin Tools Daniele Binaghi et al. 2022-11-18
3.0 CeCILL v2.1 Various administrative tools, previously available in different minor plugins.
Admin User Management Adam Doan 2021-02-15
Yes 2.0 GPLv3 acl Allows administrative users to manage users.
Advanced Search Element Order Gero Zahn 2019-11-23
2.0 GPLv3 Reorder elements in Advanced Search dropdown box according to their element types.
Ajax Create CHNM 2013-12-17
1.0 GPL utility Adds way to quickly create records via ajax
Amazon S3 Storage Adapter EHRI 2023-04-19
Yes 2.6 European Union Public Licence (EUPL) v1.2 Storage adapter for Amazon S3 based on the official AWS SDK.
Analytics Universidad de Sevilla 2016-09-26
2.2 GPLv2 Adds Google Analytics support
Analytics Dimensions Bowling Green State University Libraries 2023-04-27
Yes 3.0 MIT Provide analytics with dimensions for collections and exhibits.
Annotate Center for History and New Media 2014-06-19
Adds user favoriting and note taking to Omeka Items.
Annotations integration by Jason Peak 2014-01-30
1.5.3 ??? MIT
Annotator Iwe Muiser for the Dutch Folktale database 2016-04-04
2.0 GPLv3 items Generation of annotation values from tekst
Annotator Erin Bell 2023-01-28
2.5.1 GPLv3 comments,
Adds scripts to Omeka items and collections, allowing registered users to highlight and annotate text.
Architecture Analyse Type Pxg 2014-11-03
Yes 2.1 GPLv3 element sets,
custom type
Add a new type 'Architecture d'analyse' to Omeka. This type is composed of elements
Archive Document Daniel Berthereau 2020-02-09
2.2.2 CeCILL v2.1 format The format of the documents that is used internally by OAI-PMH Static Repository and some other plugins.
Archive Folder Daniel Berthereau 2021-10-12
Yes 2.2.2 CeCILL v2.1 archive,
Automatically import a local or remote folder into Omeka as collections, items, files, and metadata.
Archive Repertory Daniel Berthereau 2024-02-08
Yes 2.1 CECILL-2.1 file,
Keeps original names of imported files and put them in a hierarchical structure (collection / item / files) in order to get readable urls for files and to avoid an overloading of the file server.
Archiviz Brad Rittenhouse 2024-01-04
3.0 MIT Stack of plugins that allows users to digitize text documents, generate tags for important people, places, etc., manage those tags and visualize and navigate their collection through an interactive knowledge graph showing where these important entities intersect.
Archiviz-Elasticsearch Brad Rittenhouse 2023-06-09
3.0 MIT Stack of plugins that allows users to digitize text documents, generate tags for important people, places, etc., manage those tags and visualize and navigate their collection through an interactive knowledge graph showing where these important entities intersect.
Ark & Noid Daniel Berthereau 2023-09-30
Yes 2.2.2 CeCILL v2.1 url,
Create short, unique, meaningless, universal and persistent identifiers (ark and/or noid) and use them as urls for records.
ASHP specific XML file American Social History Project 2013-10-07
1.5.3 output,
adds an ashp XML feed to your Omeka site, enabling you to use the wordpress-omeka link plugin.
Assignments Bowling Green State University Libraries 2016-06-22
2.0 MIT Create a new student role and allow assignment of students to exhibits.
Assign Owner Anurag 2016-06-07
2.0 GPLv3 Assign ownership of items to a specific user
Astrodome Citations Erin Bell 2020-01-09
2.0 GPLv3 Filters citation format
Audio Recorder Ned Henry; UCSC Library Digital Initiative 2017-12-11
2.4 audio,
media capture
This Omeka 2.0+ plugin provides an in-browser audio recorder which can attach resulting recordings to Omeka items.
Authentification BISOTTO Maxime 2019-07-19
2.0 GPLv3 Can authentificate with CAS and classic authentification
Auto Gloss Johnathon Beals 2017-12-11
2.0 GPLv3 Auto-gloss element texts with tooltip definitions.
Automatic Available Caleb McDaniel 2018-06-30
2.0 CC BY 4.0 Automatically fill Date Available when item is made public
Autotagging Kevin Berry, Georgia Institute of Technology 2018-06-29
2.2 GPLv3 Generates and adds named entity tags for items.
AvalonVideo Indiana University Library 2018-08-15
2.0 GPLv3 Embeds an iFrame for playing back Avalon Video.
AvantAdmin George Soules 2024-02-28
3.0 GPLv3 Customizes Omeka's admin interfaces and functionality.
AvantCommon George Soules 2024-03-12
3.0 GPLv3 Provides common support for, and is required by, the AvantRelationships, AvantSearch, AvantElasticsearch, and AvantElements plugins. This plugin has no standalone features.
AvantCustom George Soules 2024-05-24
3.0 GPLv3 Customizes Omeka's admin and public interfaces. Overrides some core logic without the need to change any core files.
AvantDPLA George Soules 2021-10-24
3.0 GPLv3 Emits XML for ingestion into DPLA via a service hub.
AvantElasticsearch George Soules 2024-02-29
3.0 GPLv3 Provides access to an Elasticsearch service hosted on Amazon AWS
AvantElements George Soules 2024-03-08
3.0 GPLv3 Adds the ability to configure individual elements and validate user input.
AvantLocation George Soules 2022-04-13
3.0 GPLv3 Tracks the physical location of items
AvantMapsAlive George Soules 2022-04-13
3.0 GPLv3 Provides MapsAlive Live Data access to Omeka items
AvantRelationships George Soules 2023-11-10
3.0 GPLv3 Adds functionality for creating and visually displaying real-word relationships.
AvantS3 George Soules 2023-04-01
3.0 GPLv3 Provides a connection between Omeka items and corresponding Amazon AWS S3 assets.
AvantSearch George Soules 2024-06-20
3.0 GPLv3 Provides extended search results cababilites for the public interface.
AvantZoom George Soules 2022-04-10
3.0 GPLv3 Provides support for zoomable images using OpenSeadragon.
Babel Vincent BUARD for ITEM - ENS 2022-11-23
2.0 GPLv3 Translate Omeka content
BagIt Scholars' Lab 2020-11-17
2.0.1 2.1.0 Apache 2.0 Implements the BagIt specification for storing collections of files. Adds an administrative interface that allows users to (a) generate and export Bags containing files on the site and (b) import Bags and make their contents available through the Dropbox interface.
Batch Uploader University of Toronto Libraries 2024-03-22
2.3 Apache-2.0 Plugin for quickly uploading many files to Omeka.
Beam Me Up to Internet Archive Pop Up Archive 2013-07-08
2.0 CeCILLv2|GPLv3 upload,
Posts items to the Internet Archive as they are saved.
Beam Me Up to SoundCloud Pop Up Archive 2016-05-26
2.2.1 2.0 CeCILLv2|GPLv3 upload,
Posts items to SoundCloud as they are saved.
Bibnum BxM Sylvain Machefert 2016-08-31
2.0 GPL3 perso Quelques modifications apportées à omeka pour répondre à des petits besoins Bordeaux Montaigne qui ne nécessitent pas un plugin chacun
Bibtex export Franck Dupont - Limonade&Co <> 2019-11-27
2.4 GPLv3 Provides ability to export items in Bibtex
BIO Pop Up Archive 2017-05-10
Yes 2.5 metadata,
Creates a new element set based on BIO vocabulary for OMEKA Classic.
Block Party Jeremy Guillette 2022-02-14
GPL v3 Adds new, useful Exhibit blocks, like groups of Items, Collections, or other Exhibits.
Blocks Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media 2024-03-08
1.0 GPL Adds blocks/widgets to public display
Blogger Adam Doan, University of Guelph Library 2018-07-10
2.0 GPLv3 Embed blog posts read from an RSS feed in a simple page.
Blog Shortcode Erin Bell 2018-02-19
2.5 pages,
Allows users to display a list of simple pages in a blog-like format.
Book Core Marcus Burkhardt 2023-04-01
Yes 2.3 Apache License Version 2.0, metadata,
dublin core,
Adds the Book Metadata Element Set and Maps the Book Metadata to Dublin Core
Bookmarks Vincent BUARD for ITEM/ENS 2020-06-04
2.0 GNU/GPL viewer,
digital library,
live book
Allows users to manage lists of references to items or other content.
Bookmeka Frédéric Glorieux (Huma-Num et LABEX OBVIL) 2019-11-23
2.0 LGPL Display full-text books in Omeka, odt > tei > (html, epub, txt)
BookReader Julien Sicot (upgraded for Omeka 2.0 by Daniel Berthereau) 2023-11-21
2.2.2 GNU/GPL viewer,
digital library,
live book
Adds the Internet Archive BookReader ( into Omeka and allows to create online flip book from image files constituting an item.
Book reader gallery layout Christopher Green, University of Arizona Libraries 2021-02-15
2.5 A layout for Exhibit Builder 3.0, to add styling for book reader galleries
BrowseValues Patrick Murray-John 2017-10-26
2.2 GPLv3 Show all the values for an element
Bulk Import Files Daniel Berthereau 2024-04-16
2.2.2 CECILL-2.1 administration,
Import files in bulk with their internal metadata (exif, iptc and xmp for images, audio and video, pdf, etc.).
Bulk Metadata Editor UC Santa Cruz University Library, Daniel Berthereau, Daniele Binaghi 2024-04-17
2.4 Yes 2.1 GPLv3 Adds search and replace and other functionalities allowing curators to update metadata fields over many records quickly and easily.
Bulk Users Jeremy Boggs 2018-02-19
Yes 2.1-dev GPL2 users,
user management
Add users in bulk by email address
CA Layouts Rachael Gilg 2017-06-22
Extend Exhibit Builder with custom layouts, including a JCarousel slideshow.
Calendar NuLab 2017-12-11
2.0.3 Adds a calendar datepicker to Omeka
Canned Search Kushal 2021-07-12
2.0 collections Selection based on realated categories
Cart Franck Dupont - Limonade&Co <> 2018-01-12
2.2 GPLv3 Enable cart functionality for Omeka items
Carta AcuGIS 2020-03-08
2.1.1 2.0 GPLv3 Add Leaflet maps to your pages, exhibits, and collections
Carts Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media 2019-01-15
2.1 GPLv3 posters,
Create interpretive posters using Omeka items.
Casify Yale DHLab 2023-01-13
2.0 GPLv3 Adds CAS authentication to protected Omeka routes.
Catalog Search Lincoln A. Mullen 2023-01-27
1.0.3 2.0 GPLv3 Searches other catalogs for records related to Omeka items
CategoryBrowse Kevin Reiss 2016-03-28
Yes 1.2 categories,
Slugify Omeka element values into nice URLs
Category Browse Kevin Reiss, Daniel Berthereau (upgrade to Omeka 2.0) 2020-02-09
Yes 2.2.2 GPLv3 categories,
Slugify Omeka element values into nice URLs
Category Tree History Dept. (RICHES) University of Central Florida 2019-11-23
2.0 GPLv3 tree,
Gives administrators the ability to create a hierarchical tree of their categories. Adds the ability to assign categories to items, making them easier to categorize and search.
CA Timeline Rachael Gilg 2017-06-22
Embed a TimelineJS timeline with a shortcode on an Omeka website.
Central Auth Bowling Green State University Libraries 2023-12-04
2.0 MIT Allows login through various centralized authentication systems.
CheckLinks Numerizen - Vincent BUARD for ITEM / ENS 2021-02-15
2.2 GPLv3 Check dead links everywhere on an Omeka Classic website.
Clean Url Daniel Berthereau 2024-04-28
2.16 Yes (auto) 2.1 CeCILL v2.1 url,
Displays clean and readable URLs like
ClearCacheForCap Libis 2023-01-28
1.5 Capistrano,
Plugin helps to clear APC cache during deployment.
Clickable Links Gero Zahn 2018-02-13
2.0 GPLv3 Filter non-HTML text fields for URLs and make render them as »target='_blank'« clickable.
Clickable Links Plus Daniele Binaghi 2022-07-21
2.0 CeCILL v2.1 Turns URLs in non-HTML text fields into clickable hyperlinks.
COinS Omeka Team 2023-12-20
2.0.3 Yes (auto) 2.0 GPLv3 metadata,
Adds COinS metadata to item pages, making them Zotero readable.
Collaborate Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media 2019-01-15
2.0 GPLv3 collaborate,
Let multiple users collaborate on a document
Collation Builder Dan McEwan 2019-11-19
2.0 GPLv3 Provides a display for visualizing collation data for a manuscript
Collection Files Gonzalo Cuesta 2021-05-29
2.2.2 GPLv3 files Add Files To Collections
Collection Helpers River Campus Libraries 2021-05-20
2.0 MIT collections
Collection Relations Vincent BUARD for ITEM 2019-12-05
2.0 GPLv3 Links creation between collections
Collections Bowling Green State University Libraries 2023-11-29
2.2.2 MIT Set the theme to use for an individual collection.
Collections Browse Results Eric C. Weig 2018-09-11
2.0 MIT Set unlimited pagination for results with the collections browse feature.
CollectionSpace Importer 2015-08-13
2.0 GPLv3
Collections Plus Daniele Binaghi 2024-04-22
3.0 Improves the Collection browsing admin interface and allows for further customization of single Collections.
Collection Tree Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media 2023-12-12
2.0 GPLv3 tree,
Gives administrators the ability to create a hierarchical tree of their collections.
Color Code Syntax Highlighter Keith Gilbertson 2015-12-16
2.2 GPLv3 Displays syntax highlighted source code on item and file pages.
Colsort Vincent BUARD for EMAN 2021-02-15
2.0 GPLv3 Custom pages to sort and display collections and items
Commenting Omeka Team 2021-09-24
2.1.4 Yes 3.0 GPLv3 Allows commenting on Items, Collections, Exhibits, and more
Commons 2024-03-08
GPL Connect your institution's Omeka installation to the Omeka Commons.
Commons API 2024-03-08
GPL API for Omeka installations to communicate with Omeka Commons
Concise Search Benjamin Kalish 2017-10-26
2.0 Simplifies the advanced search screen by removing unused options from <select> tags.
Conditional Elements Gero Zahn / Githanjalli Elangovan 2017-12-10
2.0 GPLv3 Dynamically show/hide elements based on values entered in other elements. Requires SimpleVocab.
Connected Carousel William G. Cowan 2015-06-15
2.2 GPLv3 Shortcode embeds code for creating linked carousels, one with thumbnails and one with full image. The thumbnail carousel can be used to navigate the full image carousel. You can also just have a carousel of full size images you can click through. Also contains code for embedding in Exhibits.
Content DM Link UC Santa Cruz University Library, Ned Henry 2017-07-17
1.6 2.0 GPLv3 Adds the ability to import items from Content DM into Omeka.
Contribution Omeka Team 2023-02-10
3.1.1 Yes 3.0 GPLv3 social,
Allows collecting items from visitors
Contribution Tweaks Erin Bell 2016-02-17
2.3 contribution Adds some custom styles and interaction to the Contribution plugin form.
Contributor Contact UC Santa Cruz University Library 2017-11-28
1.1 2.2 GPLv3 Supplies administrators with tools to contact contributors in bulk
Contributor Information Metadata NUlabTMN 2014-06-04
2.0 GPLv3 social,
Adds metadata for the contributor of an item
Controlled Vocabulary Jim Safley, Patrick Murray-John 2014-03-01
1.0 Work with a controlled vocabulary
Correct Citation Anne Garcia-Fernandez (LAS-CNRS)
2.0 CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Correct the coma position in French citation.
Corrections Patrick Murray-John 2024-06-03
1.0 Yes 2.0 GPLv3 Adds simple user-supplied corrections to metadata.
Course Tools Jeremy Guillette 2022-04-11
Yes GPLv3 Adds user roles useful for courses, including a student role with customizable permissions.
CreativeCommonsChooser Alexandria Archive Institute, African Commons, and the UC Berkeley School of Information, Information and Service Design Program 2015-12-14 Adds a Creative Commons License Chooser to the admin interface and extends Omeka items to be associated with individual CC licenses.
CrowdEd Garrick S. Bodine and Stephanie A. Schlitz 2020-10-21
2.0-RC1 metadata,
Adds ability for crowd-sourcing metadata of Omeka items.
CSS Editor Omeka Team 2023-07-24
1.0.1 Yes 2.0 GPLv3 Add public CSS styles through the admin interface.
CSV Export Erin Bell 2023-06-22
Yes 2.4 GPL output,
Creates a simple CSV data output for items.
CSVExport Anneliese Dehner 2023-06-22
Yes 2.5 export csv Adds ability to export a set of records as a CSV file.
CSV Export Format University of Toronto Libraries 2024-01-12
1.0.1 Yes 2.3 Apache License 2.0 Adds CSV as an item export format. Can optionally work with annotations and nested collections from IIIF Toolkit with Mirador.
CSV Import Center for History & New Media 2018-12-18
1.3 import,
Imports items, tags, and files from CSV files.
CSV Import Omeka Team 2023-04-06
2.0.4 Yes 2.0 GPL import,
Imports items, tags, and files from CSV files.
CSV Import+ Daniel Berthereau (improvement of CSV Import of Center for History & New Media) 2019-01-22
Yes 2.2.2 GPL import,
Imports and updates collections, items, files, tags and any metadata or extra data from CSV files.
CsvImportPenn Penn Digital Scholarship Development Team; Haoran Shao, Breanna Porter, Sasha Renninger 2018-10-12
2.0 GPL import,
Imports items, tags, and files from CSV files. This is an extension of the CHNM plugin to include the ability to import EDIT THIS SASHA
CTC Guides Erin Bell 2021-06-16
2.8 pages,
table of contents,
An Omeka plugin that adds shortcodes for displaying a list of SimplePages sub-pages and adding a generated table of contents with back-to-top links. Created specifically for the Cleveland Teaching Collaborative.
CulCustomize Fred Duby 2017-02-08
2.0 Used to Customize CUL's version of Omeka
Curatescape Admin Helper Curatescape 2023-12-21
3.1.2 GPL admin,
Automatically creates the Curatescape Story item type and custom elements for Curatescape projects, and lightly customizes the admin interface, adding usage documentation and a setup guide to the admin dashboard.
Curator Monitor Daniel Berthereau 2020-02-09
2.2.2 CeCILL v2.1 curation,
Allows a curator to monitor the status of records via administrative fields and a page to follow progression of publication.
Custom Citation Daniele Binaghi 2023-05-29
3.1 GPLv3 Formats citations according to different styles
Custom Items Batch Form Pxg 2014-11-03
2.1 GPLv3 Batch edit,
dublin core,
Batch Edit For Dublin Core And Other Fields Of Items .
DatabaseBackup anne[dot]lhote[at] - Sciences Po 2017-10-26
2.0 GPL database,
Backup the entire database into an SQL file and download it.
Database Transfer Iwe Muiser for the Folkstory database 2014-12-15
1.5 GPLv3 checkbox,
disputed data,
Transfer of database data
Database Transfer Iwe Muiser for the Dutch Folktale database 2018-12-18
2.0-dev GPLv3 database,
Transfer of database data
Date Picker Erin Bell 2016-01-15
2.3.1 dates,
date picker,
controlled vocabulary
Adds customized date picker to user-defined date fields.
Date Search Gero Zahn 2023-03-12
2.0 GPLv3 Date Search will take of your dates and timespans that you enter in your items' text fields, using the YYYY, YYYY-MM, or YYYY-MM-DD format, if necessary with [G] or [J] prefix for Gregorian/Julian dates. In 'Advanced Search', you may search for dates: If you search for '1970', your item containing the timespan '1960-1980' will be found. — Works great with enhanced Item Relations featuring relation comments.
ddsearch James Tripp 2023-12-06
2.0 GPLv3 Replace search with Duck Duck Go
Deepzoom Viewer Gjergj Sheldija, 2014-10-23
Yes 1.5 GPLv3 documents,
Embeds a Deep Zoom document viewer into item show pages. Only DZI documents are supported.
Default Dublin Core Eric C. Weig and Ben Ostermeier 2020-10-20
2.0 MIT dublin-core,
Omeka Plugin that allows administrators to specify default values for Dublin Core fields. Dublin Core fields are then auto-filled with default values when records are created or edited.
Default Language Eric C. Weig 2019-01-02
2.0 MIT Allows admins to manage default Dublin Core Language entry that are auto-filled when a record is saved with that field left blank.
Default Metadata Ben Ostermeier and Eric C. Weig 2023-01-21
2.0 MIT dublin-core,
Omeka Plugin that allows administrators to specify default values for item metadata fields, including Dublin Core and Item Type Metadata fields. Metadata fields are then auto-filled with default values when items are created or edited.
Default Search Options R&R Computer Solutions 2018-09-27
2.3 GPLv3 Allows an admin to set the default search options for searches.
Default Sort Benjamin Kalish 2018-05-16
1.5.3 GPLv3 Provides a default item sort by any Dublin Core field.
Default Sort The Digital Ark 2024-03-14
2.0 GPLv3 Allows an admin to set the default sort for 'Browse Items' and 'Browse Collections'
Default Usage Eric C. Weig 2019-01-02
2.0 MIT Allows admins to manage default Rights and Usage Statements that are auto-filled in the Interview Usage field when a record is saved with that field left blank. This plugin was created for use with the Louie B. Nunn Center for Oral History SPOKEdb database.
Derivative Images Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media 2023-11-02
2.0 Yes 2.2 GPLv3 file,
Recreate (or create) derivative images.
Designer Role Nolan aimedev 2021-12-08
3.0.1 user,
Creates a role called Designer in Omeka Classic. The user has contributor rights plus can edit appareance and manage themes.
Digital Object Linker Valdeva Crema 2023-04-19
2.0.1 2.1.4 GPLv3 This plugin allows you to embed digital images from the external sources to be displayed on the item pages.
Digitool Libis 2015-04-14
2.1.4 file item digitool url Links items with digitool
DisplayUnpublishedExhibits Alec L.E. Wang 2019-05-19
Adds a shortcode to Omeka that allows one to display unpublished (private) exhibits.
Disqus Scholars' Lab 2017-06-15
Add Disqus comments to Items
Disqus Engage Erin Bell 2021-09-03
Embed Disqus comments on item and/or collection templates. Comments are moderated at (account required).
Docs Viewer Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media 2024-04-10
2.1 2.0 GPLv3 docs,
Embeds a Google document viewer into item show pages. PDF documents, PowerPoint presentations, TIFF files, and some Microsoft Word documents are supported.
DOC Text University of Minnesota Department of Laboratory medicine and Pathology 2023-01-27
2.0 GPLv3 msoffice,
Extracts text from Word DOC files so they can be browsed and searched.
Doc to HTML Thom Mc 2017-02-28
2.0 GPLv3 When a Docx file is added to an item, renders it in HTML5 (requires Pandoc 1.13 or later)
Donate to RRCHNM Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media 2021-02-15
2.0 GPLv3 Include a banner for donating to RRCHNM.
Download Protect Daniel Berthereau for Bibliothèque de Paris I Sorbonne 2020-02-09
2.2.2 CeCILL v2.1 file,
Protect original files with a copyright warning and avoid file hotlinking.
Dropbox Omeka Team 2023-06-25
0.7.2 Yes 2.0 GPLv3 import,
Allows users to upload files outside of Omeka and batch-add many files at once.
DS Dan McEwan 2019-11-23
2.0 GPLv3 Dead Simple Plugin for Omeka
Dspace Restapi Harvester Ying Jin 2017-11-02
Yes 2.0 GPLv3 DSpace Harvest metadata and link the item to their bitstreams in DSpace using REST API.
Dublin Core Extended Omeka Team 2023-11-07
2.2 Yes (auto) 2.0 GPLv3 metadata,
dublin core
Adds the full set of Dublin Core properties to the existing Dublin Core element set, including element refinements and supplemental elements. See DCMI Metadata Terms:
Duplicate Item Austin Mason & Daniele Binaghi 2019-12-23
Add ability to duplicate an item with one click
E-mail Notification Daniele Binaghi 2022-09-28
3.0.1 new item,
new collection,
new exhibit,
e-mail notification
Send e-mail notification when new Item or Collection or Exhibit is added.
E-mail Users Daniele Binaghi 2021-09-16
2.8 e-mail,
Allows to contact users via e-mail
EAD Daniel Berthereau 2020-02-09
Yes 2.2.2 CeCILL v2.1 set,
Creates, imports, exports, manages and display EAD finding aids via OAI-PMH Static Repository.
EAD Import Scholars' Lab 2023-01-27
1.1 import,
Imports EAD files into database.
Edit Link Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media 2017-10-10
2.0 GPLv3 Adds an edit link to admin bar for items, collections, and exhibit pages
Edit Links Vincent BUARD (Numerizen) for ITEM / ENS 2019-08-22
2.2 GPLv3 Contextual direct links to admin (i.e : edit) pages in the admin bar
Editorial Omeka Team 2021-09-21
1.0.3 3.0 GPLv3 Allows editorial feedback when building exhibits
EHRI Data EHRI 2022-12-07
2.2 European Union Public Licence (EUPL) v1.1 Omeka plugin for interacting with the EHRI API(s)
Eileen Southern Cole Crawford 2021-07-22
2.0 GPLv3 For the Eileen Southern Project
Elasticsearch HUIT Academic Technology 2023-08-21
2.5 BSD-3 Integrate Elasticsearch into Omeka for searching.
Element Administration Kent State University Libraries 2019-11-13
2.0 GPLv3 admin Configure metadata fields
ElementLinks Zach Ploskey 2020-10-15
2.0 GPLv3 Automatically create links from items to all others with matching metadata.
ElementManager Julian Maurice 2017-10-31
Yes 2.0 GPLv3 Delete or rename existing elements
Element Types Julian Maurice 2020-10-27
0.4 Yes 2.0 GPLv3 Allow elements to have a type, thus allowing easier input. For instance, this plugin implements the 'date' type and show a datepicker widget for elements of this type. Other types can be implemented by plugins.
Eman Citation Numerizen - Vincent BUARD for ITEM / ENS 2019-08-22
2.2 GPLv3 Citation block for items
EMAN Exports Formats Vincent BUARD for ITEM-ENS 2019-10-30
2.3 Apache License 2.0 CSV Export and extras
Eman Index Vincent BUARD for ENS/ITEM 2021-05-03
2.0 GPLv3 List values already present for fields
Embed Codes Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media 2023-05-23
1.0 Yes (auto) 2.0 GPLv3 Allows embedding item content as an iframe in other sites
Enhanced Collections Bowling Green State University 2023-06-14
2.0 collections Adding a layer of functionality on top of Omeka's built-in collections
Entities Garrick S. Bodine (the original work was by RRCHNM) 2020-03-25
2.0-dev GPLv3 Original entities models and functions from Omeka 1.x reworked into a plug-in for Omeka 2.0
Escher AcuGIS, with improvements of Daniel Berthereau 2020-02-09
2.3.2 Yes (auto) 2.0 GPLv3 utility,
Plugin for installing plugins and themes from and from the web ( and
ESearch Jason Zou 2017-10-26
2.5 Apache 2.0 elasticsearch,
Integrate ElasticSearch into Omeka for primary searching.
EU Cookie Bar Steve Ranford 2023-09-07
(v. 2.0.0-beta.3)
Yes 2.0 GPLv3 The plugin is a wrapper for the GDPR/CCPA compliant Cookie Consent JavaScript library. It provides a simple way to add a customisable cookie notice to your Omeka site.
Europeana Richard Doe 2022-11-30
2.2 GPLv3 Search the Europeana REST API.
Europeana4dExport Pxg 2014-11-03
2.1 element,
Europeana Element Set Daniel Berthereau 2020-02-09
Yes 2.2.2 CeCILL v2.1 set,
Add the specific elements of the Europeana Semantic Elements, which completes the Dublin Core.
Exhibit Access 2016-09-13
Exhibit Builder Omeka Team 2024-04-25
Yes 3.0 GPLv3 exhibit,
Build rich exhibits using Omeka.
Exhibit Image Annotation Omeka Team 2021-09-21
3.0 GPLv3 Annotate images in your exhibits.
Experimental Beijing Zach Ploskey 2018-06-12
2.0 GPLv3 china,
Experimental Beijing digital media collection.
Export Center for History & New Media 2013-10-02
(v. -0.1alpha)
1.2 Exports an Omeka site as an archive for backup or data transfer.
Export Jason Roma 2015-06-08
1.5 GPLv3 Plugin for exporting transcription data.
Export Jason Roma 2018-10-03
2.4.1 GPLv3 Plugin for exporting transcription data.
ExportEacCpf Graziella Pastore (ENC - INRIA) & Luca Foppiano (INRIA) 2023-10-25
2.4 BSD 2-Clause License visualization,
Adds functionality to export Omeka items as a basic EAC-CPF XML file.
Export to SPOKEdb JSON Michael Slone, Eric C. Weig 2017-03-14
2.1.4 MIT Exports unrestricted records to SPOKEdb-style JSON.
External Feed Erin Bell 2023-01-29
2.3.1 GPLv3 notifications,
An Omeka plugin that utilizes any valid RSS feed to notify users of recent posts or upcoming events (future-dated RSS items) from an external website. Includes a shortcode for embedding an post/event RSS widget on any page.
Extract OCR Sylvain Machefert, based on preivous work from Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media (upgraded for Omeka 2.0 by Julien Sicot) 2021-02-15
Yes 2.0 GPLv3 pdf,
Extracts text from PDF files and store them in XML so they can be searched. (Can be used to highlight results with BookReader plugin)
Facet By Metadata Patrick Murray-John 2019-11-23
1.0.3 2.0 GPLv3 Create checkboxes for filtering searches by matching metadata values.
Faceted Browsing Eduard Gonzalez 2017-12-11
2.4.1 GPLv3 Allows Super-administrators to define a faceted browsing interface
Facets Jean-Baptiste HEREN 2022-09-03
2.6.1 GPLv3 Filter search using facets
Fake Cron Patrick Murray-John 2013-10-27
1.0 Set tasks to run after specified intervals with using system's cron.
Favorites University of Twente 2017-12-11
2.1 GPLv3 Adds layered favorites functionality to the platform. When logged in, items can be added to folders. When not logged in, a cookie will keep your favorites for a while.
Fedora Connector Scholars' Lab 2023-01-27
2.1.5 Yes 2.1 Apache 2.0 repository,
Connect Omeka to a Fedora Commons repository.
Feedback King's College London Department of Digital Humanities 2022-12-07
2.5 EUPL-1.2 Allow users to leave feedback on Omeka pages
Feed Importer Patrick Murray-John 2019-11-23
1.4 feeds Import items from RSS and ATOM feeds
File Download Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media 2020-11-17
1.5 GPLv3 file,
Provides a way to download files using their original file name.
File Modify Daniel Berthereau 2024-04-24
Yes 2.2.2 CeCILL v2.1 image,
Modify (convert, compress, watermark, rename or any other command) uploaded file before saving it in archive folder and before creating metadata in Omeka database. Renaming files requires Archive Repertory plugin.
File Relations Vincent BUARD for ITEM 2019-12-05
2.0 GPLv3 Links creation between files
Filter Admin Form Dave Lester 2018-02-13
1.5 GPLv3 Filtering some specific admin forms for the Pop Up Archive
Find And Replace Richard Doe 2018-11-11
2.0 MIT Find and replace element text.
FirePHP Patrick Murray-John 2018-11-11
2.0-dev GPLv3 Output log messages to FirePHP console
Flickr Import UC Santa Cruz University Library 2018-04-05
1.1.9 2.1 GPLv3 Adds the ability to import Flickr photosets and galleries into Omeka as items or collections, while preserving as much metadata as possible
Foo Alexis Ben Miloud--Josselin 2020-06-13
GPLv3 Defines a new omeka-cli command.
ForbesPurchaseForm Benjamin Kalish 2018-02-13
1.3 form IN DEVELOPMENT. Adds forms for image reproduction and liscencing requests.
GDriveLinks Eric C. Weig 2022-05-13
2.0 MIT Uses the URL Item Type Metadata field to create links to GoogleDrive documents and/or embeds GoogleDrive documents within Omeka item views.
GenerateThumbnails Vic @ DI/HUC KNAW 2022-11-24
^3.0.0 BSD-3 Generate missing thumbnails
GeoBlacklight Metadata Stephen Balogh, NYU Libraries 2023-01-27
2.3 GPLv3 metadata,
Adds additional metadata elements within a new GeoBlacklight array, then combines these elements along with reappropriated Dublin Core and Dublin Core Extended elements to produce JSON records in accordance with GeoBlacklight schema.
GeoChron History Dept. UCF 2014-01-07
1.5 mapping,
Adds location and time info and maps to Omeka
GeoChron History Dept. UCF RICHES 2018-04-03
2.1 mapping,
Adds location and time info and maps to Omeka
Geolocation Omeka Team 2023-04-18
2.2.6 Yes 2.5 GPLv3 Adds location info and maps to Omeka
Geolocation PLUS Center for History & New Media 2016-03-15
Yes 2.0-beta mapping,
Adds location info and maps to Omeka
Geolocation Plus Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media | Gonzalo Cuesta Marín 2021-02-27
2.2 GPLv3 Adds location info and maps to Omeka
Geolocation to Coverage Caleb McDaniel 2018-07-24
2.6 Gets addresses and lat/long from an item's Geolocation and adds them as element texts for the item's metadata in Dublin Core Coverage
Get OHMS Text Eric C. Weig 2019-02-08
2.0 MIT Omeka,
Oral History,
Allows admins to activate dynamic gathering and field input of searchable text from OHMS cachefiles.
Getty Suggest UC Santa Cruz University Library 2020-10-15
1.4 Yes 2.1 GPLv3 Enable an autosuggest feature for Omeka elements using the Getty Collection controlled vocabularies
Google Analytics Wayne Graham 2020-12-11
Yes 2.0.1 Apache2.0 google,
Google Analytics for Omeka
GoogleAnalytics Scholars' Lab 2021-04-13
1.4-dev google,
A small plugin to include Google Analytics JavaScript code on pages.
Google Analytics David McClure 2014-04-08
Adds Google Analytics tracking code to all pages.
Google Analytics Bowling Green State University 2018-02-07
2.0 analytics,
Adds Google Analytics tracking code to your pages
Google Analytics Wayne Graham 2021-10-08
2.0.1 Apache2.0 google,
Google Analytics for Omeka
GoogleAnalytics Digital Scholarship Lab 2021-05-20
2.7.1 google,
Include Google Analytics in Public Pages. Based on
Google Analytics for Omeka Scott Bailey 2014-07-09 Yes 2.1 GPLv3 Adds Google Analytics to an Omeka instance.
Google Login Christian James 2021-05-18
2.8 login,
OAuth 2.0,
Log in to Omeka Classic with your Google username and password.
Google Tag Manager The Digital Ark 2013-12-18
Yes 2.0 GPLv3 analytics,
Adds Google Tagmanager code to your pages
Google Translate Center for History and New Media 2013-12-01
1.1 translation,
Enables the Google Translate service on the Omeka admin and public site.
Graph Vincent BUARD (Numerizen) for ITEM / ENS 2020-12-31
2.2 GPLv3 Graphic presentation of items, collections and files relations
Groups 2024-03-08
GPL Zotero-like groups
Guest User Omeka Team 2021-09-23
1.1.2 Yes (auto) 3.0 GPLv3 Adds a guest user role. Can't access backend, but allows plugins to use an authenticated user
Harvard Key HUIT Academic Technology 2023-03-22
2.5 BSD-3 Allows users to login using their Harvard Key (
Headless BibLibre & mw 2021-10-15
2.0 GPL headless Hide Omeka PHP frontend, allowing only API requests. based on Maintenance plugin by BibLibre
Heads Up Chris Padilla, Alvin Bierley, Martin Bernard 2022-02-18
2.0 This plugin adds a box to your admin dashboard displaying basic site information.
Heist Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media 2018-02-13
2.5 Facilitates interaction between tables and mobile devices for OmekaEverywhere
Helper Erin Bell 2021-11-01
2.2.2 javascript,
Allows an administrator to add custom CSS, HTML and Javascript to the active theme using Omeka plugin hooks (public_head, public_footer, etc). USE WITH CARE!
Helpers Daniel Berthereau 2020-02-09
2.5 CeCILL v2.1 theme,
Various tools to help builders of plugins and themes (find or order records, etc.).
Hide Elements John Flatness 2023-08-09
1.3 Yes 2.0 GPLv3 Hide admin-specified metadata elements.
Hide Files Daniele Binaghi 2023-08-01
3.0 files,
Hide Items' files, because of copyright or any other reason
History Log UC Santa Cruz University Library and Daniel Berthereau 2022-08-15
2.1 GPLv3 Creates a log of basic curatorial events for each item, collection and file, including ingress, updates, and pushes, and compute statistics on evolution.
HMP Browse Items Menu Caleb McDaniel 2018-06-30
2.6 Modifies the secondary navigation menu seen on Browse Items pages
Honor Thy Contributors Lincoln A. Mullen 2023-01-27
0.1.3 2.0 GPLv3 Give credit to people who have added or edited items in your Omeka database
Honor Thy Librarians Daniele Binaghi 2021-10-22
2.0 GPLv3 Gives credit to people who have added or edited Items
Hotlink URLs Michael Slone 2018-02-12
2.0 MIT Hotlinks URLs in the identifier field
HTML5 Media John Flatness 2020-06-13
2.6 Yes 2.0 GPLv3 Enables HTML5 for media files using MediaElement.js.
Html Display Lloyd Harischandra - University of Western Sydney 2015-02-25
Yes 2.0 GPLv3 A plugin to display html files attached to the items inline.
HTML Viewer Thom Mc 2015-09-02
2.0 GPLv3 html,
Include content of attached HTML file in item page
HydraHlsEmbed Ucsc 2017-04-08
2.0 GPLv3 Embeds an iFrame for playing back Hydra HLS video.
Identity Richard Maiti 2017-01-30
2.0 MIT Identity plugin to make sure that each item in the digital library has an ARK identifier
Idref Julien Sicot 2018-05-30
Yes 1.4 IdRef,
subject headings,
Adds an autocomplete text box to the Dublin Core's Subject and Creator elements, drawing from the French Subject Headings. This plugin uses IdRef, a Web application dedicated to Sudoc authority data. Sudoc is the French academic union catalogue, maintained by ABES. Also, it requires installation of SimpleVocab plugin
iFrame Allow Fullscreen University of Toronto Libraries 2024-01-19
2.7 Apache License 2.0 Unblock the allowfullscreen attribute in <iframe> tags
IIIF Klokan Technologies GmbH 2023-12-19
1.0 Yes (auto) 2.3 GPLv3 iiif,
IIIF Storage Adapter, items with images from IIIF, zoomable viewer, upload to IIIFHosting, manifest.json
IIIF Manifest Filter Daniel Berthereau 2020-07-01
2.2.2 CeCILL v2.1 viewer,
digital library,
iiif server,
Manage the hook (event) `uv_manifest` of the plugin Universal Viewer to modify the IIIF manifest from a theme file.
IIIF Toolkit University of Toronto Libraries 2024-05-21
2.3 Apache License 2.0 Embeds Mirador with a built-in annotator, a manifest generator and importer, Simple Pages shortcodes and Exhibit Builder blocks for a rich IIIF-compliant presentation experience.
IIIF Toolkit / IIIF API Synchronization Bridge University of Toronto Libraries 2018-04-05
2.4 Apache-2.0 Plug-in for synchronizing IIIF Toolkit changes with IIIF API.
IIIF Toolkit Annotation Remapper University of Toronto Libraries 2021-05-27
2.4 Apache-2.0 Tool for batch-remapping annotations from one manifest to another. Requires IIIF Toolkit.
IIIF Toolkit Embed Jeremy Guillette 2023-08-07
2.3 Apache License 2.0 Adds a customizable, embeddable Mirador viewer page to show content from IIIF Toolkit on other sites
Image Annotation Center for History & New Media 2013-10-17
1.3 presentation,
Allows users to annotate images.
Image Atlas Johnathon Beals 2013-12-16
2.0 GPLv3 HJCS 277 image atlas, using Google Earth. Requires the 'Geolocation' Omeka plugin.
Image Manager Libis 2023-01-28
2.0 GPLv3 Allows administrators to manage their image folder (upload, rename, ...).
Image Resize Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media 2014-04-18
1.5 GPLv3 image,
Gives administrators the ability to resize image derivatives.
Import BibLibre 2017-10-31
Yes 2.0 GPL import Extensible import plugin
Import Hyperlink Bowling Green State University 2023-12-08
2.0 MIT Imports details about a Hyperlink including embed code.
Import Reader Skeleton BibLibre 2021-02-15
2.0 GPL import Plugin skeleton to implement a new Import reader
Incite Incite Development Team 2021-01-26
2.0 ?? metadata,
Incite, in-cite and insight
Indipetae Citations Boston College Libraries 2023-10-10
2.3 MIT Display custom citations for Indipetae database
IndipetaePdfBuilder Boston College Libraries 2023-10-10
2.5 MIT Builds PDFs from Indipetae
Intense Debate Erin Bell 2021-09-03
Embed Intense Debate comments on item and/or collection templates. Comments are moderated at (account required).
Internet Archive The UC Berkeley School of Information 2020-06-10
Posts items to the Internet Archive as they are saved.
IP Restrict Erickson Zanon 2018-11-11
2.5 GPLv3 Restricts access to itens or collections or shows files only to a range of IP
ISAD(G) Element Set Stephen Rowan (adapted from Daniel Berthereau's PBCore element set plugin) 2017-11-23
Yes 2.0 GPLv3 metadata,
Creates ISAD(G) element set and related output format.
Item Compare Numerizen - Vincent BUARD for ITEM / ENS 2020-12-31
2.2 GPLv3 Item comparison tool for the E-man Project
Item Duplicate Check Julian Maurice 2021-10-20
2.0 GPLv3 Check for duplicates before saving item
Item Duplicator Daniele Binaghi 2022-05-15
3.0.3 new item,
edit item,
duplicate item
Allows duplicating items
Item Edit Lock University of Twente and Meertens Institute Amsterdam 2017-12-11
2.0 GPLv3 Puts a lock on an Item/Record when it is being edited.
Item Metadata to Files Numerizen - Vincent BUARD for ITEM / ENS 2021-05-12
2.2 GPLv3 Propagate items' DC to related items' files via bulk edit
Item Order Omeka Team 2023-03-10
2.0.2 2.3 GPLv3 Gives administrators the ability to custom order items in collections.
Item References Gero Zahn / Githanjalli Elangovan 2017-09-07
2.0 GPLv3 Creates references between items.
Item Relations Omeka Team 2023-02-10
Yes 2.0 GPLv3 item,
Allows administrators to define relations between items.
Item Review UC Santa Cruz University Library 2018-12-18
1.1 2.1 GPLv3 Adds the ability to mark all item created by certain user roles for administrative review before publication.
Item SEO Erin Bell 2022-11-07
3.0.2 element sets,
Adds a new element set for storing SEO information.
Items Partial Shortcode Steve Ranford 2019-11-23
2.2 GPLv3 Creates a new shortcode for showing a custom partial template rathe than the standard single.php used by the item shortcode.
Items Show Log Patrick Murray-John and Douglas Knox 2017-12-11
1.2 logging Log every time an Omeka item is shown in public view
Item Views Patrick Murray-John 2021-02-15
1.0.1 2.1 GPLv3 Omeka plugin to keep track of item views and display recently viewed and popular items
Iu Website Indiana University Library 2018-08-14
2.2 GPLv3 Adds IU Branding to Omeka site.
Job Diagnostics University of Toronto Libraries 2024-01-03
2.3 Apache-2.0 View running jobs and diagnose problems with the job dispatcher.
JQuery Patrick Murray-John 2013-10-22 Yes 1.0 javascript,
Helper plugin to add JQuery
Json Feed of Featured Items Aaron Knoll 2013-10-05
1.5 GPLv3 Adds a single page on the front end which is an Json feed of 5 featured items (or less) suitable for being imported into wordpress or another similar CMS
KalturaVideo William Cowan, Indiana University 2018-09-04
2.2 GPLv3 Adds a shortcode to insert a video item viewer for Video in Kaltura Media Space
KDNP Object Eric Weig, University of Kentucky 2017-02-05
2.1.4 GPLv3 This plugin allows administrators to embed KDNP objects in item records.
Koha Authority Suggest Julian Maurice 2021-08-26
2.0 GPLv3 Suggest terms from a Z39.50 server
KUDL Identity Client Michael Slone 2017-01-30
2.1.4 GPLv3 Uses the KUDL Identity service to generate identifiers.
Landmarks CSU Center for Public History + Digital Humanities, modified by David Walker 2017-05-18
2.4 GPL landmark Allows distance-based sorting of items over the REST API
Language Switcher Flo Apps Ltd 2023-08-02
Yes 2.3 GPLv3 language,
Adds select for languages to public site
LatLon Jason Peak 2013-12-17
1.5.1 GPLv3 Provides fields for lat lon
LC Suggest Omeka Team 2021-09-21
2.0.2 Yes 2.0 GPLv3 authority,
Enable an autosuggest feature for Omeka elements using the Library of Congress Authorities and Vocabularies service:
Ldap Bowling Green State University 2023-06-14
Yes 2.2.2 authentication,
Sign onto Omeka using your local LDAP. Based on the work done by Lehigh University.
Libis Connector Naeem Muhammad 2018-02-13
2.0 Apache 2.0 repository,
Connect Omeka to an external repository. Currently, to europeana space repository.
Library of Congress Subject Headings Center for History & New Media 2019-02-07
1.3 library of congress,
subject headings,
Lightbox Gallery Anna Michelle Martinez-Montavon 2019-11-23
2.0 GPLv3 exhibits,
Adds new gallery, file with text, and book layouts to Exhibit Builder that display files using Lightbox.
LimitedContributor Christopher Anderton 2017-12-21
2.0 GPLv3 permissions,
Limits the contributor role usefully
Limit visibility to own Daniele Binaghi 2023-01-27
2.0 GPLv3 Shows only Items and Collections contributed by the user
Linked Data Elements Thom Mc 2018-10-31
Yes 2.3.1 GPLv3 Overrides core ElementText class to add a URI field
Link External Data Geneviève Cron / SciencesPo 2017-01-30
2.0 GPLv3 collection Connects a collection to an URL that gives access to external digital data
Linkify John Flatness 2017-01-30
1.5 GPLv3 Automatically create links from items to all others with matching metadata.
Linkify Text Bowling Green State University Libraries 2023-12-04
2.5 MIT Convert links in plain text metadata fields to links.
Linkify URL Daniel Berthereau 2021-10-20
2.2.2 CeCILLv2.1 display Add a filter that converts a url into a link.
Link Resource Eric C. Weig 2018-12-18
2.0 MIT Create an external link reference from contents of specific fields.
Linnaeus Admin Helper Penn Libraries Digital Scholarship Team 2021-02-24
2.6 admin,
Adds the Species Item Type to describe organisms and botanical specimens. Designed for the Linnaeus theme.
Live Book Daniel Berthereau (from bibnum of Julien Sicot (Université de Rennes 2)) 2013-10-09
2.0 GPLv3 visualization,
Manages scanned books with Omeka: zoom and flip of pages, extraction and displaying of table of contents from PDF, full text search from an XML content (KWIC), etc.
Locale Omeka Team 2023-03-09
Yes 2.0 GPLv3 Configure language for your Omeka site.
Locale Switcher BibLibre 2019-01-09
0.2.1 Yes 2.5.1 GPLv3 Provides a language switcher view helper to be used in themes
LoggedInLinks Eric C. Weig 2019-03-13
2.0 MIT data-entry,
Creates direct links to edit collection and item records in the admin view from the admin-bar which is visible when an admin user is logged into Omeka but viewing the public side.
Login Home Gustavo Kira 2015-07-16
Yes 1.0 GPLv3 silly just a plugin to put a link to the login screen at omeka's homepage
Maintenance BibLibre 2021-04-16
Yes 2.0 GPL maintenance Put Omeka site in maintenance mode
Mall Extensions Kim Nguyen 2022-03-07
2.0 Scavenger Hunt layouts for Exhibit Builder and other functionality to be used on the Histories of the National Mall mobile website.
Mall Map Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media 2024-05-24
2.0 GPLv3
MapFig MapFig 2023-03-04
2.0 GPLv3 Add Leaflet maps to your pages, exhibits, and collections
Mapping Northlake Zach Ploskey 2021-02-15
2.0 GPLv3 maps,
Mapping Northlake digital media collection
MapsAlive George Soules 2023-03-10
2.5 GPLv3 Provides MapsAlive Live Data access to Omeka items
Masquerade Kent State University Libraries 2019-11-13
2.0 GPLv3 Let site administrators login as other users
Measurement Search Gero Zahn 2019-04-09
2.0 GPLv3 Measurement Search is similar to Range Search: It will pre-process height x width x depth triples followed by a unit stored in item texts to be able to search for ranges. — Works great with enhanced Item Relations featuring relation comments.
Media Buckets Patrick Murray-John 2020-10-15
2.2 GPLv3 Creates an Item Type to use a a dumping ground for non-'Item' media.
MediaRSS Center for History & New Media 2014-03-25
1.0 visualization,
Adds a MediaRSS feed to your page templates, which makes your Omeka content readable by any application or service that supports Media RSS.
Merritt Link UC Santa Cruz University Library 2017-07-17
2.1 GPLv3 Adds the option to export objects into the CDL Merritt Repository
MetadataBrowser Kevin Reiss, digitalMETRO project. 2016-03-28
1.3.2 metadata,
Set up public theme browsing display for selected Omeka Elements. Selected browsing choices also appear in sitemap file if XmlSitemap plugin is also installed. digitalMETRO Project []
Metadata Browser Kevin Reiss, digitalMETRO project (upgraded by Daniel Berthereau) 2020-02-09
Yes 2.2.2 GPLv3 metadata,
Set up public theme browsing display for selected Omeka Elements. Selected browsing choices also appear in sitemap file if XmlSitemap plugin is also installed. digitalMETRO Project []
MetaMetaData Iwe Muiser for the Dutch Folktale Database 2017-12-11
2.0-dev GPLv3 checkbox,
disputed data,
A way to add information about the status of a metadata field (item text).
METS Export UC Santa Cruz University Library 2017-12-11
1.2.4 2.1 GPLv3 Adds functionality to export Omeka items as METS xml files, either at the item or the collection level
METSExport Eric C. Weig 2020-03-19
2.5 export mets Adds ability to export a set of records as a METS XML file(s).
Military Life Memories Project Contribution NUlabTMN with alterations by Alicia Peaker and Brandon Walsh 2018-05-24
2.0 GPLv3 social,
Modified Contribution plugin for the Military Life Memories Project
Mirador Kent State University Libraries 2019-11-13
Yes 2.0 GPLv3 Mirador Viewer for TIFF images
Mirror Exhibit Page Alec Wang, Austin Mason, and Chris Padilla 2020-09-23
Miscellaneous Element Set Erin Bell 2019-08-01
Yes 2.4.1 element sets,
Adds a new element set for storing ... whatever. May be useful for developers and admins who need somewhere to store non-content data for individual items or collections.
MLA Citations Bowling Green State University Libraries 2019-07-25
2.3 MIT Display MLA style citations in Omeka.
MlaTei 2016-01-22
GPL Plugin for the CoE MLA Variorum Shakespeare Challenge
MOAS Derivatives University of Nottingham 2016-07-12
2.4 MIT moas,
Adds image derivative sizes that we need.
MOASDocs 2016-11-04
2.3.1 MIT Adds documentation for MOAS to the Admin area.
MOAS Elements University of Nottingham 2017-07-27
Yes 2.3 MIT moas,
Provide the element sets and metadata needed for MOAS projects
MOAS Item Types University of Nottingham 2017-08-11
2.3 MIT moas,
item types
Provide extra item types for MOAS projects
MODS CUL LDPD 2016-02-21
Yes 1.3.2 metadata,
Adds MODS Element Set, with controlled vocabulary support
MODS Expanded Brendan Ryan 2022-12-01
1.3.2 metadata,
A MODS metadata plugin for Omeka with the full complement of categories as used by the Digital Commonwealth.
More Media Types Daniele Binaghi 2023-02-08
2.2.3 CeCILL v2.1 media types,
fallback images
Adds new media types and relative fallback images; can replace default fallback images as well.
More Metadata For Collections Anne Garcia-Fernandez (LAS-CNRS)
Yes 2.0 CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Adds a custom metadata set to collections. Metadata should be customized directly in the file custom_metadata.php.
More User Roles Erin Bell 2021-11-01
Yes (auto) 2.2.3 user,
Creates dedicated Author and Editor roles. When the plugin is uninstalled, Authors and Editors are downgraded to the Contributor role.
Mosaic Universidad de Sevilla 2015-07-17
2.2 GPLv2 Adds a tiled layout for Exhibit Builder
Mud 2015-01-02
Multilanguage Patrick Murray-John, completed by Daniel Berthereau 2023-11-15
Yes 2.1 GPL-3.0 Creates multilanguage support for Omeka, with a locale switcher.
Multimedia Display Ned Henry 2017-02-08
2.1 GPLv3 This plugin facilitates customizable display of multimedia content including video, audio, images, books, and oral histories which may be stored on external servers.
Multiple Collections Center for History and New Media 2017-06-27
Yes 1.4 Adds multiple collection functionality to Omeka
Muslim Journeys Admin Center for History & New Media 2013-12-16
1.5 Adds some admin functionality for building Muslim Journeys
My Omeka Center for History & New Media 2023-01-28
1.3 tagging,
Adds user favoriting, note taking, and tagging to Omeka items.
My Omeka Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media 2013-10-03
1.5.1 GPLv3 social,
Creates user logins, item favoriting, and the ability for users to create posters with their favorited items.
NAL Exhibit Layouts Rachel Donahue 2021-02-15
NAL Shortcodes National Agricultural Library 2018-03-29
2.2 Public Domain Custom shortcodes for NAL content requirements.
Neatline Scholars' Lab 2024-03-14
2.0 Apache License, Version 2.0 Plot your course in space and time.
Neatline Cover Image Zach Ploskey 2018-09-28
2.0 MIT Add cover images to Neatline Exhibits.
Neatline CSV Import Scholars' Lab 2023-01-27
2.0-beta Apache License, Version 2.0 Import CSV file into Neatline
Neatline Display Extensions eScience-Center, University of Tübingen 2015-12-22
2.3.1 WTFPL Version 2 Adapts waypoint display and other nasty stuff on top of Neatline.
Neatline Editions Scholars' Lab 2023-01-27
1.5 geospatial temporal Connect texts with Neatline exhibits.
NeatlineFeatures Scholars' Lab 2023-03-09
2.0.5 2.0 Apache License, Version 2.0 geospatial Allows administrators to draw things on maps and associate them with an Omeka item.
Neatline Maps Scholars' Lab 2023-01-27
1.5.1 Apache License, Version 2.0 geospatial temporal Connect Omeka with Geoserver, a powerful open-source geospatial server.
NeatlineMerge King's College London Department of Digital Humanities 2021-05-12
2.4 GPLv3 Combine multiple Neatline exhibits
Neatline Time Scholars' Lab 2023-08-04
2.1.0 Yes (auto) 2.3 Apache License, Version 2.0 timelines,
Create timelines in Omeka.
Neatline Web Service Scholars' Lab 2023-01-27
1.4.2 SaaS Public-facing user registration and exhibit building for Neatline.
Neatline ~ SIMILE Timeline Scholars' Lab 2023-01-27
2.0 Apache License, Version 2.0 Add SIMILE Timeline to Neatline exhibits.
Neatline ~ Text Scholars' Lab 2023-01-27
2.0 Apache License, Version 2.0 Connect text documents to Neatline exibits.
Neatline ~ Waypoints Scholars' Lab 2021-12-05
2.0 Apache License, Version 2.0 Adds a list of waypoints to Neatline exhibits.
Net Export Center for History & New Media 2013-12-11
Creates full export of sites for import into a standalone Omeka instance.
Newsletter Franck Dupont - Limonade&Co <> 2019-11-27
2.2 GPLv3 Manage newsletter subscriptions
Ngram Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media 2023-01-17
1.2 2.4 GPLv3 Generate ngram graphs from your collections
NKAAWikiLookup Eric C. Weig 2024-01-30
2.0 MIT Given a delimited text string, this plugin creates a field display with image based hyperlink to an external media resource, along with a textual description of the resource.
Nuxeo Link Ned Henry 2016-06-08
2.1 GPLv3 Adds the ability to navigate a Nuxeo DAMS and import Nuxeo documents as Omeka items. Designed specifically for use with the UCLDC Nuxeo DAMS.
OAI-PMH Gateway Daniel Berthereau 2020-02-09
2.2.2 CeCILL v2.1 archive,
Expose files and metadata of a standard OAI-PMH static repository through Omeka used as a gateway.
OAI-PMH Harvester Omeka Team 2023-10-03
2.0 GPLv3 import,
Harvests metadata from OAI-PMH data providers.
OAI-PMH Repository John Flatness 2024-02-09
2.0 GPLv3 Exposes Omeka items as an OAI-PMH repository.
OAI-PMH Static Repository Daniel Berthereau 2020-09-03
2.2.2 CeCILL v2.1 archive,
Automatically build a standard OAI-PMH archive from files and metadata of a local or a distant folder.
OaiDcGallica Julian Maurice 2018-02-28
Yes 2.0 GPLv3 Changes to oai_dc metadataFormat for Gallica
OAI Qualified DC for OAI-PMH Repository Bowling Green State University Libraries 2023-11-29
Yes 2.0 MIT Adds an oai_qdc metadata format to the Omeka OAI-PMH Repository plugin.
OCR Kevin Berry, Georgia Institute of Technology 2018-12-18
2.2 GPLv3 Performs OCR on documents and uploads the transcripts.
OCR Element Set Daniel Berthereau 2020-02-09
Yes 2.2.2 CeCILL v2.1 set,
Creates a file element set for OCR metadata and text.
Oembed Import The University Library of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 2020-06-25
Yes 2.1.4 import,
Allow importing of items from oembed-compatible URLs.
Ohana Client Michael Slone 2017-03-06
2.1.4 GPLv3 Uses the Ohana service to generate accession numbers.
OHMSExport Eric C. Weig 2023-07-18
2.5 export ohms Adds ability to export a set of records as a OHMS XML file.
OHMS Import By Eric Weig, Doug Boyd, Janneken Smucker 2024-03-12
2.0 GPL import,
Imports OHMS XML into Omeka.
OHMS Object By Eric Weig, Doug Boyd, Janneken Smucker 2023-01-14
2.6 MIT This plugin allows administrators to embed OHMS oral history objects in item records utilizing an externally installed copy of the OHMS Viewer software.
OHMS Oral History Metadata Element Set Eric C. Weig, University of Kentucky 2018-05-16
2.1 element sets,
oral history,
Plugin which installs a custom metadata set for OHMS oral history elements.
OHMSxml for the SPOKEdb Database Eric C. Weig (University of Kentucky Libraries) 2017-01-30
1.0 visualization,
Adds a OHMS XML export to Omeka outputs.
Omeka API Import Omeka Team 2024-05-14
1.1.2 Yes 2.0 GPLv3 Import data from other Omeka 2.1 or higher sites using the API
Omeka Bootstrap Social Sharing Garrick S. Bodine 2013-11-26
2.0-RC1 GPLv3 Social sharing widgets plugin for the omeka-bootstrap theme.
Omeka Devel Chris Padilla, Martin Bernard 2022-05-06
This plugin adds Kint debugging functionality to your site.
Omeka Element Set Example Jeremy Boggs 2017-10-26
Yes 2.1 element sets,
Template for creating an element set.
Omeka Errbit Wayne Graham 2013-10-01
1.5 Apache License, Version 2.0 airbrake,
Errbit and Airbrake Plugin for Omeka
Omeka Footnotes JS Austin Mason, Alec Wang, Shiyue Zhang, Chris Padilla, Alvin Bierley 2023-03-17
2.6 A plugin to add bigfoot.js footnote functionality to the WYSIWYG on simple or exhibit pages.
Omeka Mapfig Studio MapFig Ltd 2016-04-23
2.0 GPLv3 Import Maps from MapFig Studio
Omeka On Ovh Daniel Berthereau 2020-02-09
2.2.2 CeCILLv2.1 compatibility Permet de créer les fichiers dérivés sur un serveur OVH.
OpenGraph and Twitter Meta Tags Media and Design Studio 2023-04-18
2.1 The plugin adds OpenGraph and Twitter Card meta tags to Omeka pages which enables rich preview on social media platforms, messengers etc.
OpenLayersZoom Daniel Berthereau (upgrade of the release built by Matt Miller) 2023-04-15
2.8.1 Yes 2.0 GNU/GPL viewer,
An OpenLayers based image zoom widget
OpenLayers Zoom Daniel Berthereau (upgrade of the release built by Matt Miller) 2023-04-15
2.8.1 Yes (auto) 2.2.2 GNU/GPL viewer,
An OpenLayers based image zoom widget
OpenSeadragon Digital Public Library of America 2023-01-28
2.0 GPLv3 images,
Embeds an OpenSeadragon image viewer to provide zoomable images
OpenSeadragon TEI Viewer River Campus Libraries 2021-05-24
2.0 MIT images,
Open Seadragon v2 Braydon Justice for The University of Victoria 2016-01-11
Yes (auto) 2.0 GPLv3 images,
Embeds (via iframe) an OpenSeadragon v2.x image viewer
Orphan Jason Roma 2017-09-19
2.4.1 GPLv3 This plugin allows browsing items with no Collection assigned.
PageBanner Ruud de Jong 2020-10-23
2.2.2 banner Show a simple banner above the contents of a page. Built for
Page Caching Center for History and New Media [upgraded by Daniel Berthereau] 2020-02-09
2.1 GPLv3 caching Adds page caching.
Paginate Yale DHLab 2023-01-13
Yes 2.0 GPLv3 Adds pagination to collections pages when using the ᎠᏂᏴᏫᏯ theme.
Participate Franck Dupont - Limonade&Co <> 2021-02-15
2.2 GPLv3 Provide the ability to send files and comments to administrator
PBCore Pop Up Archive 2014-06-23
1.4 metadata,
Creates PBCore element set and related output format.
PBCore 2 Omeka Team and WGBH 2019-10-14
2.2 GPLv3 Adds elements for describing resources with the PBCore metadata standard
PDF Create Kent State University Libraries 2020-06-10
2.0 GPLv3 Create OCR'd PDFs from TIFFs
PDF Embed John Flatness 2024-05-23
1.0 Yes 2.5 GPLv3 Embeds PDF documents into item and file pages.
PdfItems Franck Dupont - Limonade&Co <> 2020-06-12
2.2 GPLv3 Provide the ability to generate items in PDF
PDF Output Klokan Technologies GmbH 2018-12-18
1.42 pdf The PDF output format for item detail page /items/show?output=pdf
PDF Search Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media 2020-11-17
1.5 GPLv3 pdf,
Extracts text from PDF files so they can be searched.
PDF Text Omeka Team 2022-04-18
Yes 2.0 GPLv3 pdf,
Extracts text from PDF files so they can be browsed and searched.
PDF Text Modified Kyle Felker 2018-01-26
2.0 GPLv3 pdf,
Extracts text from PDF files so they can be browsed and searched.Heavily Modified by Kyle Felker
PDF TOC Sylvain Machefert, based on PDF Search, from Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media. (upgraded for Omeka 2.0 by Julien Sicot based on PDF Text) (modified by Jean-Baptiste Pressac to work with the version 2.01 of pdftk) 2020-10-15
2.0 GPLv3 pdf,
Extracts table of contents from PDF files
Peddler Citation Stephen Balogh 2018-05-15
2.0 GPLv3 Customizes the item citation field generated by Omeka, specifically for constraints of the Jewish Peddler Project
PhillySimpleGallery By Eric Weig, Doug Boyd, Janneken Smucker 2018-07-19
2.0 GPLv3 splash,
Adds a simple gallery page for Oral History items using the Philly theme.
Plan du site Bibliothèque Université Clermont Auvergne 2018-11-09
GPLv3 Add a page with sitemap into omeka.
Podcast Feed Erin Bell 2024-05-06
3.1.2 podcast,
Adds a custom podcast feed and a new Podcast Episode item type.
Posters Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media 2018-02-14
1.0.1 2.6 GPLv3 posters,
Create interpretive posters using Omeka items.
Project Guide Eric C. Weig 2019-02-18
2.0 MIT project-management,
Omeka Plugin which allows administrators to configure a link to a custom project guide. The link displays at the admin item view level and on the admin dashboard.
Public Edit Link Daniele Binaghi 2023-01-27
2.2.3 Item,
Omeka Classic,
Adds link to public UI to edit current Item/Collection/File/Exhibit/SimplePage when logged in.
Purl Aemilius 2019-11-23
2.0 GPLv3 Creates PURL for Item objects
Range Search Gero Zahn 2017-12-10
2.0 GPLv3 Range Search is similar to Date Search: It will pre-process currencies, weights, and other numbers followed by a unit stored in item texts and make them ranges — Works great with enhanced Item Relations featuring relation comments.
Rating Daniel Berthereau 2020-02-09
2.1 CeCILL v2.1 contribution Add a widget to allow users to rate a record instantly.
Ratings The Digital Ark 2015-07-07
2.0 GPLv3 Allows registered users to rate items and displays the average ratings
Read More Patrick Murray-John 2017-10-26
2.0 GPLv3 Adds a 'read more' link to fields that likely have long text
Reassign Files Gero Zahn / Githanjalli Elangovan 2016-12-06
2.0 GPLv3 Reassignes files from one item to another.
Reassign Ownership Patrick Murray-John 2020-05-18
2.0 GPLv3 Allows owners of collections and items, or 'super' and 'admin' user roles, to change ownership
Record Relations Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media 2016-05-23
2.0.1 Yes 2.0 GPLv3 Facilitates plugins creating relations across record types
Recursive Suppression Michael Slone 2017-03-28
2.0 MIT Allows records to be suppressed recursively
Redact Elements Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media 2019-02-18
1.0 Yes 2.0 GPLv3 Redact admin-specified metadata elements.
Reference Daniel Berthereau 2023-04-26
2.4.3 Yes 2.2.2 GPLv3 browsing,
tree view,
Adds glossary pages with the alphabetical indexes of specified item types and elements.
refNum Element Set Daniel Berthereau 2020-02-09
Yes 2.2.2 CeCILL v2.1 set,
Creates a file element set for refNum, a standard for digitalized documents, especially books and manuscripts (see
Related Content Daniele Binaghi 2021-12-05
2.0 GPLv3 Suggests Items related to the one currently shown
Remote File Nikki JD White 2018-08-14
(v. -1.0 beta)
Yes 2.2 GPLv3 Allows the import of files from a remote server or local filepath url.
Render JSON Eric C. Weig 2019-01-01
2.0 MIT Configure admin field to display JSON files nicely using
Reorder Element Texts Gero Zahn 2018-02-13
Yes 2.0 GPLv3 Re-order element texts after adding additional input for the same field.
Replace DC:Title in all views Pop Up Archive 2013-04-01
1.2 2.0 GPLv3 pbcore,
custom element set
Replaces DC:Title field in all public/admin views with the PBCore:Title field.
Reports Omeka Team 2021-09-21
2.0.2 3.0 GPLv3 Generates item reports in HTML and QR Codes of items in PDFs.
Resource Meta Omeka Team 2023-05-03
3.0 GPLv3 metadata Add meta tags to resources
REST Jason Peak 2017-12-11
1.5.1 GPLv3 Establishes a REST endpoint and a framework for building an API
Rights Statements Bowling Green State University Libraries 2018-06-14
2.3 MIT Display graphics in DC Rights field.
Role Magick Marly Wilson for LibraryHost 2021-02-15
2.0 GPLv3 Adds a partner role with restricted ownership editing abilities
Rosetta Libis 2015-11-19
2.1.4 file item Rosetta Links items with Rosetta using the resolver
Rotate Picture Sylvain Machefert, Bordeaux 3 (@symac) 2019-04-02
2.2 GPL file,
Allow picture rotation.
Saga Patrick Murray-John 2014-02-04
2.1 GPLv3 GLAMHack Philly Fornaldarsögur norðurlanda
Save Search Joe Corall Kent State University Libraries 2017-01-05
2.0 GPLv3 Save admin searches
Scripto Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media 2021-11-23
2.0 GPLv3 scripto,
Adds the ability to transcribe items using the Scripto library.
ScriptoMarkitup Adam Doan - University of Guelph Library 2024-04-16
2.0 GPLv3 scripto,
Adds the markitup editor to the scripto plugin's transcribe text area
Scriptus Matthew Butler 2020-05-13
2.0 GPLv3 transcription
Search Between Richard Doe 2019-10-08
2.0 MIT Search for records having metadata values within a given range.
Search by Metadata Omeka Team 2023-03-10
2.0 GPLv3 Allows administrators to configure metadata fields to link to items with same field value
Search By Metadata Kyle Felker 2018-04-16
2.0 GPLv3 Allows administrators to configure metadata fields to link to items with same field value. Adapted from originla plugin fo the same name by GVSU Libraries.
Search Tweaks Thom Mc 2018-12-18
2.0 GPLv3 Customise advanced search
Security Tweaks Erin Bell 2016-01-06
2.1 admin,
Adds "autocomplete=off" to password-related form inputs and includes some protection against cross-frame scripting.
Select2 Julian Maurice 2017-12-11
0.3 2.0 GPLv3 Apply Select2 JS library to existing dropdown lists
Select Owner Bowling Green State University Libraries 2019-12-16
2.0 MIT Assign an owner to an item or collection.
Seo Aaron Knoll 2018-09-27
1.5 GPLv3 Alters titles to be more search engine friendly
ShadowPage Katherine Lynch 2020-07-01
2.0 shadowbox Uses Shadowbox.js to create page-turning functionality for items with multiple image files associated with them
Shared Shelf Link ARTstor, INC 2018-08-15
1.5.3 import,
Allows Shared Shelf users to publish image files and data records from a project in Shared Shelf, an online media management software from ARTstor, to Omeka collections. Shared Shelf is a subscription-based service.
Shortcode Carousel Omeka Team 2023-03-10
1.0.1 2.2 GPLv3 Adds a shortcode to insert a carousel item viewer
ShortcodeVideo William Cowan, Indiana University 2018-08-15
2.2 GPLv3 Adds a shortcode to insert a video item viewer
Side Auth Madhur Jain 2017-12-11
2.0 MIT Allows login through LDAP along with the default Omeka Login. Can be extended to include more auth adapters.
SimpleCart By Eric Weig 2019-01-15
2.0 GPLv3 aeon,
oral history
Omeka plugin for SPOKEdb. Adds a set of simple and cart pages to work with the AEON service.
Simple Contact Roy Rosenzweig Center for History & New Media (improved by Daniel Berthereau) 2020-02-09
Yes 2.6 GPLv3 captcha,
Adds anywhere a simple contact form for users to contact the administrator.
Simple Contact Form Omeka Team 2021-09-21
0.5 Yes 2.6 GPLv3 captcha,
Adds a simple contact form for users to contact the administrator.
Simple Open Graph Tags Eric C. Weig 2019-02-10
2.0 GNU General Public License v3.0 Omeka,
Open Graph Tags
A plugin for Omeka that allows admins to manage default settings for Open Graph ( protocol tags and specify a default featured image and the dc:title field to be referenced in the Omeka public header.
Simple Pages Omeka Team 2022-11-15
3.0.8 Yes (auto) 3.0 GPLv3 Allows administrators to create simple web pages for their public site.
SimpleSAMLphp BGSU University Libraries 2023-09-04
2.6 MIT Authentication for Omeka using SimpleSAMLphp.
Simple Search Tweaks Richard Doe 2019-10-08
2.0 MIT Adds some useful tweaks to the simple search form.
Simple Vocab Omeka Team 2024-02-16
2.1 Yes 3.0 GPLv3 controlled vocabulary,
A simple way to create controlled vocabularies.
Simple Vocab Plus UC Santa Cruz University Library & Daniel Berthereau & Daniele Binaghi 2022-08-20
2.4 2.1 GPLv3 Allows administrators to create, edit and update controlled vocabularies, either defined in the repository or in the cloud
Sisyphus Wayne Graham 2020-12-11
Apache 2.0 admin,
Allows client-side form saving for Omeka Admin
Sitemap Bowling Green State University Libraries 2021-02-08
2.0 MIT Creates a sitemap.xml file of Omeka items.
Sitemap 2 UC Santa Cruz University Library 2019-02-19
2-2.3 2.3 GPL3 xml sitemap,
search engine optimization
This Omeka 2.0+ plugin provides a persistent url for a dynamically generated XML Sitemap, for SEO purposes.
Site Message Eric C. Weig 2021-11-01
2.0 MIT site message,
harmful language,
downtime warning
Omeka Plugin which allows administrators to configure content and public display for a custom message for users. This could be used for a number of reasons including; Harmful Language Statement, Message Concerning Scheduled Downtime for Maintenance, etc.
Site Notes Center for History & New Media 2014-05-10
1.3 administration Administrative users can write notes about the site in an an editable space.
Sites 2024-03-08
GPL For Omeka Commons -- data about participating institutions
Social Bookmarking Omeka Team 2023-06-14
2.0.2 Yes (auto) 2.0 GPLv3 social,
Insert a customizable list of social bookmarking links.
SocialMediaElementSet Patrick Murray-John 2014-11-29
1.0 Yes 2.0 GPLv3 Adds an element set for social media. Rarely appropriate, unless you are hardcore about your metadata specs.
Solr Search Scholars' Lab 2023-10-12
2.1 Apache 2.0 solr,
Integrate Apache Solr into Omeka for primary searching.
SoundCloud The UC Berkeley School of Information 2013-10-12
Posts items to SoundCloud as they are saved.
Specific Daniel Berthereau 2020-02-09
2.1 CeCILLv2.1 helpers Plugin where all little helpers and miscellaneous hacks are gathered for a Omeka project.
Spokedb Accession Eric C. Weig 2019-04-18
2.0 GNU General Public License v3.0 omeka,
oral history,
accession numbers
Mints valid SPOKEdb accession numbers for interviews and auto-fills the Interview Accession field.
Spoke Relationships Michael Slone 2017-03-28
2.0 GPLv3 Implements relationships needed for SPOKEdb.
Spreadsheet WebServesUs 2019-11-23 Adds the ability to export a spreadsheet (Microsoft's XLS format) of search results
Stats Daniel Berthereau 2022-03-02
2.2.2 CeCILL v2.1 Logger that counts views of pages and records and makes stats about usage and users of the site.
StreamOnly Code for Burlington (, Christina Hamilton 2021-08-09
2.6 GPLv3 Allows sites to stream audio files while preventing their download
Structured Names Michael Slone 2017-01-30
2.0 GPLv3 Allows the input and display of structured names
SubjectBrowse William Mayo <> 2023-01-28
2.3 Yes 1.4 browsing,
Dublin Core
Adds alphabetical browse on DC:Subject field to Omeka.
Subjects Browse Erin Bell 2022-08-22
3.0 GPLv3 Adds a list of linked Subject terms with counts to items/subjects. Designed for use with the Curatescape Echo theme.
Subject To tags Numerizen - Vincent BUARD for ITEM / ENS 2019-08-22
2.2 GPLv3 This module automatically synchronizes Omeka Tags with DC.Subject entries
Suggest Anything UTS eResearch mods to code by Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media 2015-07-01
2.0 GPLv3 authority,
Enable an autosuggest feature for Omeka elements using the Library of Congress Authorities and Vocabularies service:, SCOT and Geonames via FillMyList
Super Eight Festivals Michael Gates 2020-06-09
2.6 All Rights Reserved super8festivals Custom plugin for Super8Festivals
Super RSS Erin Bell 2022-12-08
2.7 output,
Creates a custom RSS feed for items.
Switch Language Anne Garcia-Fernandez (LAS-CNRS) and Yifan Zhang (ENSIIE) - Supported by the Labex TransferS 2022-08-22
2.0 CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Allow users to choose the website language. Admin can configure the public languages available and the default website language.
Tagging Daniel Berthereau 2020-06-22
Yes 2.2.2 CeCILL v2.1 tag,
Allows free tagging on items to create folksonomy.
Tag Info Camilo Martinez for BADAC 2020-03-13
2.6 GPLv3 Allows users to add a descriptive text to tags that will be shown on the browse items by tag page.
Tag Management Kevin Berry, Georgia Institute of Technology 2018-11-11
2.2 GPLv3 Helps with tag editing, merging, and deletion
Tagroups ASHP/CML 2016-05-02
2.2 GPL Allow the possibility to organize tags into logical sub groups, hopefully streamlining the tagging process.
Tags In Collection Bowling Green State University Libraries 2019-12-17
2.6 MIT Only show tags that exist in a specified collection in Omeka.
Takeback Customizations 2018-05-31
2.0 Apache License, Version 2.0 Custom code for Take Back the Archive.
Taxonomy Julian Maurice 2019-02-19
2.0 GPLv3 Allow to define taxonomies and declare an element type 'taxonomy-term'
TCs Dialogue Thom Mc 2017-02-28
2.0 GPLv3 Provides a dialogue where user must accept terms & conditions to continue
Teaching Images (add item type) Aaron Knoll 2013-10-22
1.4 items,
Adds an item type called Teaching Images which includes fields for pedagogical supports. (AAS/IMLS Grant Plugin Development 2012)
TeiAnnotationsPlugin Peter Sefton 2014-10-31
2.0 GPLv3 Fetches TEI annotations related to an item ready for display
TEI Display Scholars' Lab 2023-01-27
2.0-dev Apache License, Version 2.0 tei,
Attach TEI documents to Omeka items.
Tei Display Jean-Philippe Magué 2019-11-23
2.0 GPLv3 Display TEI files
TEI Editions King's College London Department of Digital Humanities 2024-02-20
2.6 EUPL-1.2 Create and visualise Omeka items based on TEI data
Terms Of Service Roy Rosenzweig Center for History & New Media 2013-12-14
2.0 administration Allows administrators to specify their website terms of service and privacy policy.
Test Kyle Felker 2019-11-23
2.0 GPLv3 test Test plugin for Kyle to learn plugin writing.
Text Analysis Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media 2017-07-06
2.5 2.4 GPLv3 Analyze your corpora using text analysis services. (Create corpora using the Ngram plugin.)
Text Annotation Omeka Team 2023-03-10
0.2 2.0 GPLv3 Allows for annotation of text content on a page using the webservice.
ThePlugin 2023-01-27
1.4 informative,
Three JS Viewer River Campus Libraries 2020-07-30
2.0 MIT 3d,
A three.js viewer in Omeka
Timeline Scholars' Lab 2023-01-27
1.5 Timeline,
Bringing Simile Timeline to Omeka.
Timeline Omeka Team 2022-10-26
3.0 GPLv3 Adds a TimelineJS block to ExhibitBuilder
Timeline Omeka Team 2023-12-11
3.0 GPLv3 Adds a TimelineJS block to ExhibitBuilder
Timeline Shortcode Erin Bell 2020-06-16
Yes 2.7.1 GPLv3 timeline,
An Omeka plugin that adds a shortcode for displaying a list of items sorted by date.
TinyMCE Mod Jeremy Guillette 2018-11-11
GNU General Public License, Version 3.0 Modify tinyMCE settings without hacking core
Tiny MCE Mod Austin Mason 2018-05-24
A plugin to add customizability to the WYSIWYG
TOC for UniversalViewer Jean-Baptiste Pressac 2018-10-09
2.0 CeCILL v2.1 viewer,
table of content,
Displays in the Universal Viewer a table of content (or index) extracted from the PDF version of an item.
Transcript Vincent BUARD (Numerizen) for ITEM / ENS 2023-10-24
2.2 GPLv3 Transcription tool with enhanced TinyMCE supporting TEI tagging, validation, file import and rich source editing
Transfer File Text Extension Sarah Weissman / STScI 2021-07-14
2.2 GPLv3 Transfer PDF file text to Item text element.
Translations Daniel Berthereau 2021-02-15
Yes 2.0 CECILL-2.1 theme,
Allows to add specific translations of strings, in particular the hard-coded texts in the theme.
Tumbleka Ned Henry 2014-01-08
1.0 2.0 MIT Autoposts items to Tumblr.
Twiter Cards Scott Hanrath 2018-02-13
2.1 GPLv3 A plugin to include Twitter Card tags on Omeka pages for the site, collections, and items.
UiTemplates Numerizen - Vincent BUARD for ITEM / ENS 2021-05-03
2.2 GPLv3 Items page template management via UI
UniversalViewer Daniel Berthereau 2024-02-14
(v. 2.6.0-beta.2)
2.4.5 Yes (auto) 2.2.2 CeCILL v2.1 viewer,
digital library,
iiif server,
Integrates the IIIF specifications, a simple IIP Image Server and the Universal Viewer in order to create carousels of virtual books from image files and to display any media file (pdf, audio, video, 3D…) in a unified player.
Upgrade to Omeka Semantic Daniel Berthereau 2024-02-08
Yes (auto) 2.3.1 CECILL-2.1 archive,
Upgrade automatically your archive from Omeka Classic to Omeka S (metadata, files, parameters, exhibits, common plugins, and themes).
User Privilege Customization CNDLS @ Georgetown University 2023-07-07
2.0 GPLv3 Customizes the 'Contributor' user level so that 'Contributors' can make their own items public.
User Profiles Omeka Team 2021-09-21
1.1.1 3.0 GPLv3 Adds configurable user profiles
User Tags Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media 2024-03-08
2.0 GPLv3 Allows users to add private tags to items.
VideoStream Indiana University Library 2019-01-13
2.0 GPLv3 viewer,
Embeds a JW Player video segment player into item show pages.
Vimeo Import UC Santa Cruz University Library 2017-11-28
1.2 2.0 GPLv3 Adds the ability to import Vimeo videos into Omeka as items while preserving as much metadata as possible
Visuals University of Twente and Meertens Institute Amsterdam 2016-03-29
2.1.2 mapping,
Provides several additional ways of visualizing data in an Omeka instance
Vocatroll ASHP/CML 2017-12-11
2.2 GPL Helps enforcing a controlled vocabulary. Vocatroll customizes item (and collection) edit/new page to help with controlled vocabulary and consistent data entry. This plugin can also generates browse pages for Subject and Coverage Fields.
VoiceCommenting Mike Feher and Bryan Fuselier 2014-06-01
2.1-dev GPLv3 Allows voice commenting on Items, Collections, Exhibits, and more
VRA Core Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media 2022-09-27
1.2 Yes 2.2 GPLv3 Adds VRA Core Elements to Item, Collection, and File metadata.
VRA Core Element Set Scholars' Lab 2023-01-27
1.2 Yes 1.2.1 elements Create VRA Core element set in Omeka database.
Waterfall Gallery Layout Orpheus Peng 2015-11-25
Web Services Shortcodes Roy Rosenweig Center for History and New Media 2014-12-04
2.0 GPLv3 shortcodes Makes shortcodes available for embedding content from web services.
Website_URL_Add Cicely 2018-05-16
2.1 GPLv3 The plugin converts the Website URL Metadata into a link
WikiCite for Omeka Jeremy Boggs 2018-06-25
2.2-dev GPL3 citation,
Adds Wikipedia citations codes to each public item or collection.
Wikipedia Citations Daniele Binaghi 2022-08-10
2.0 GPLv3 Formats citations according to Wikipedia guidelines
XMediaLinks Eric C. Weig 2024-01-29
2.0 MIT Given a delimited text string, this plugin creates a field display with image based hyperlink to an external media resource, along with a textual description of the resource.
XML Import Daniel Berthereau (based on GenericXmlImporter of Scholars' Lab) 2018-02-19
2.2.2 Apache v2 import,
Imports metadata and files from one or multiple XML via a generic or a custom XSLT sheet and via CSV Import+.
XmlSitemap Kevin Reiss; digitalMETRO Project 2019-05-22
2-2.3 1.2 xml sitemap,
search engine optimization
Set up a XML Sitemap for an omeka instance. Public content appears in sitemap. Configuration choices available. digitalMETRO Project []
YouTube Import UC Santa Cruz Library 2022-08-15
1.1.11 Yes 2.0 GPLv3 Adds the ability to import Youtube videos into Omeka as items while preserving as much metadata as possible Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media 2014-02-27
2.0 Yes (auto) 2.0 GPLv3 images,
Embeds a image viewer into item show pages.
Zotero Import Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media 2024-05-29
2.1 Yes 2.0 GPLv3 zotero,
Imports libraries and collections from Zotero user and group accounts.