This list brings together all the existing Omeka S modules.

All plugins can be downloaded freely on, or Some of them are old, broken, unsupported or a work in progress. Usually, they work at least on one site. But most of them are up-to-date for Omeka Classic and useful. Some of them are listed in

Already 113 / 564 (20%) plugins – the most used ones – have an equivalent module for Omeka S.

Feel free to add missing plugins or modules, or to create an upgrader for the plugin Upgrade to Omeka S, or an importer for the module Omeka 2 Importer.

Warning: Don’t install alpha or beta version of addons on a site in production, or help the developper to finalize it.

Type some letters to filter the list. Click on row headers to sort. Get the csv source file, updated once a week. Forks are not displayed, except when they add new features.

Module Author Updated Constraint License Tags Description
Access Daniel Berthereau 2024-10-21
^4.1.0 CECILL-2.1 access,
Allow a visitor or a user to access to selected reserved resources via a request, an ip check, an authentication, or a token.
Adminer database manager Daniel Berthereau 2024-04-22
^3.1.0 || ^4.0.0 CECILL-2.1 administration,
Access to Omeka database through Adminer, a one-file full-featured database management tool.
Admin Plus GhentCDH 2023-09-19
^3 Admin improvements
Advanced Resource Template Daniel Berthereau 2024-10-09
^4.0.0 CECILL-2.1 admin,
resource edition,
Add new features to the resource templates to simplify and to improve the edition of resources: closed template, auto-completion, property groups, select language, lock, auto-filling, etc.
Advanced Search Daniel Berthereau 2024-10-21
^4.1.0 CeCILL v2.1 search,
advanced search,
Improve search with new fields, aggregated properties, auto-suggest, filters, facets, specific pages, etc.
Advanced Search adapter for Solr Daniel Berthereau 2024-10-21
^4.1.0 CECILL-2.1 Solr,
Search Omeka resources instantly and deeply on any server with Apache Solr / Lucene, via the library Solarium
Advanced Search Plus (archived, replaced by Advanced Search) Daniel Berthereau 2023-06-13
^3.0.0 CeCILL v2.1 search,
Add some fields to the advanced search form (before/after creation date, has media, media type, etc.).
Agile Tools Agile Humanities Agency 2023-11-16
^2.0.0 CeCILL v2.1 blocks Adds blocks and tools for Omeka theming, including page regions, card layouts, and an implmentation of Slick Carousel.
Agile Tools Agile Humanities Agency 2024-10-17
^4.0.0 CeCILL v2.1 blocks Adds blocks and tools for Omeka theming, including page regions, card layouts, and an implementation of Slick Carousel.
Alternative Label Select Daniel Berthereau 2024-04-18
^4.0.0 CECILL-2.1 admin,
Display all alternate labels in the form element property select.
Alt Text John Flatness 2021-12-03
^3.1.0 Customize alt text for media
Amazon S3 Daniel Berthereau 2023-05-23
^3.0.0 || ^4.0.0 CeCILL v2.1 amazon s3,
file system
Files store that integrates with Amazon S3.
Amazon S3 Storage Jared Howland 2019-01-20
MIT Omeka S Storage module for Amazon S3 based on the official AWS SDK.
Analytics Snippet Daniel Berthereau 2023-09-11
^3.1.0 || ^4.0.0 CeCILL v2.1 seo,
Add a snippet, generally a javascript tracker, in public or admin pages, and allows to track json and xml requests.
Analytics Snippet Matomo (Piwik) Daniel Berthereau 2023-09-11
^3.1.0 || ^4.0.0 CeCILL v2.1 seo,
Submodule for Analytics Snippet to track json (in particular Omeka S API) and xml (like with OAI-PMH Repository) calls with Matomo (Piwik).
Annotate Daniel Berthereau for EHESS 2024-02-28
^4.0.0 CECILL-2.1 annotation,
w3c recommendation,
linked data
Implement the W3C Web Annotation Ontology to let users annotate, tag, comment, rate, highlight, draw, etc. any resource in a normalized way.
Annotate images and maps (Cartography) Daniel Berthereau for EHESS 2024-07-04
^4.0.0 CeCILL-2.1 annotation,
Allows to annotate images and to locate data on standard wms maps with the w3c web annotation data model and vocabulary.
Any Cloud Jared Howland, Jon Fackrell, & Julian Maurice 2024-08-19
^3.0.0||^4.0.0 MIT amazon s3 aws,
digital ocean,
file system
Omeka S module for storing items in the cloud storage of your choice.
Api Info Daniel Berthereau 2023-09-15
^4.0.0 CECILL-2.1 api,
Gives access to some infos about Omeka sites and resources, that are not available in the default api, mainly for external apps.
Archive Folder Daniel Berthereau 2016-03-29
Automatically import a local or remote folder into Omeka as collections, items, files, and metadata.
Archive Repertory Daniel Berthereau (based on BibLibre port) 2024-05-27
^3.0.0 || ^4.0.0 CeCILL v2.1 hierarchical archive,
Keeps original names of imported files and put them in a hierarchical structure (collection / item / files) in order to get readable urls for files and to avoid an overloading of the file server.
Ark Daniel Berthereau, based on Omeka S port by BibLibre 2024-04-19
^4.0.0 CeCILL v2.1 persistent identifier,
Create short, unique, meaningless, universal and persistent identifiers (ark and/or noid) and use them as urls for records.
Ark URL BibLibre 2023-09-29
^3.0.0 || ^4.0.0 Companion module for Ark that replaces resources URLs by their ARK URLs
AuthCAS Ghent Centre for Digital Humanities 2024-06-10
^4 CAS authentication for Omeka-S sites
BACE Daniel Berthereau 2023-11-02
^4.0.0 CECILL-2.1 admin,
resource edition,
Special features for the base BACE
Banner Image UVA Library Scholars' Lab 2019-11-07
^1.1.0 MIT Display banner image into pages
Base Pols12 2018-07-18
Base of a module to execute a script.
Basket 2023-09-29
Allow user to add basket
Basket (archived) Daniel Berthereau (forked from module Basket of BibLibre) 2020-06-15
^1.2.0 || ^2.0.0 CeCILL v2.1 user board,
Allow a visitor or a user to add items and media in a basket and to keep them through sessions.
Bibliography Daniel Berthereau for Collegium Musicæ of Sorbonne Université 2023-11-21
^4.0.0 CeCILL-2.1 citation,
Manage a bibliography with standard citations, reference lists, suggested values, and collected records from doi, isbn and other identifiers.
Biblionumber Support BibLibre 2023-09-29
^3.0.0 GPLv3 route,
Add a route with biblionumber and redirect it to item route
Block Layout Skeleton BibLibre 2020-11-16
^2.0.0 Skeleton to help implementing new block layouts
Block Plus Daniel Berthereau 2024-10-21
^4.1.0 CeCILL-2.1 block,
Add page models, groups of blocks and new blocks for editorial site pages (image gallery, D3 graph, mirror page, search form, showcase, exhibits, etc.) and resource pages (breadcrumbs, title, thumbnail, previous/next, etc.).
Blocks Disposition Daniel Berthereau 2024-02-12
^4.0.0 CeCILL-2.1 theme,
user interface
Manage automatic display of features of the modules in the resource pages.
Bulk Check (archived, replaced by Easy Admin) Daniel Berthereau 2022-05-09
^3.1.0 CECILL-2.1 admin,
Check and fix metadata of resources and files.
Bulk Edit Daniel Berthereau 2024-07-17
^4.0.0 CECILL-2.1 admin,
Add batch process to replace, remove, order, fill values suggest data, etc. to help curators to update and clean metadata over many resources quickly and easily.
Bulk Export Daniel Berthereau 2024-07-22
^4.0.0 CECILL-2.1 admin,
Extensible bulk export and formatter module for admin and public sides.
Bulk Import Daniel Berthereau 2024-07-10
^4.0.0 CECILL-2.1 admin,
Extensible bulk import module for xml, sql databases, spreedsheets, and json endpoints.
Bulk Import Files Daniel Berthereau 2024-05-21
^4.0.0 CECILL-2.1 administration,
Import files in bulk with their internal metadata (exif, iptc and xmp for images, audio and video, pdf, etc.).
BU Maps BU UCA 2024-05-03
^4.0.0 Add map on items view
CartoAffect Samuel Szoniecky 2023-11-12
^4.0.0 CeCILL v2.1 cartographie,
public interaction,
Cartographie des affects
CAS BibLibre 2023-11-28
^3.0.0 || ^4.0.0 Authenticate with CAS
ChaoticumSeminario Samuel Szoniecky, Laboratoire Paragraphe 2024-10-21
^3.2.0 || ^4.0.0 CeCILL v2.1 chaos,
Fragmentation chaotique d'un media
CiteShare Satoru Nakamura 2022-02-10
^3.0.0 CC0 Citation Add a CiteShare button.
Citing Satoru Nakamura 2023-01-04
^3.0.0 CC0 Citation Add a citing button.
Clean Url Daniel Berthereau 2024-10-14
^4.1.0 CECILL-2.1 url,
Displays clean, seo and readable URLs like, with or without site slug, for resources, sites and pages.
Cmap Import Samuel Szoniecky 2023-03-20
^3.0.0 Import items from Cmap IVML file.
COinS Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media (Omeka S port by BibLibre) 2023-09-29
^3.0.0 || ^4.0.0 GPLv3 metadata,
Adds COinS metadata to item pages, making them Zotero readable.
Collecting Omeka Team 2024-09-11
^4.0.0 Add collecting forms to your sites.
Collecting Together Roy Rosenzweig Center for History & New Media 2021-02-22
^3.0.0 Enable functionality needed for Collecting Together
Column Maker Cu La 2019-05-07
^1.0.0 columns,
Add some columns to the page without invoking the HTML module
Comment Daniel Berthereau (port and improvement from the RRCHNM Omeka Classic plugin) 2023-11-23
^3.1.0 || ^4.0.0 CeCILL v2.1 comment,
public interaction,
Add public and/or private commenting on item sets, items and media and manage them.
Common Daniel Berthereau 2024-08-28
^4.0.0 CeCILL-2.1 development Internal features used in various modules: bulk functions, form elements, view helpers, one-time methods for install, etc.
Connected Sites Corey Tegeler 2022-12-05
Contact us or author and report Daniel Berthereau 2024-06-26
^4.0.0 CeCILL-2.1 block,
Add a site page block with a ”Contact us” form, a link to report an issue on a resource and manage messages from admin.
ContentReader Billxu 2020-12-07
^3.0.0 MIT Reader tool for Chinese Classic Article.
Contribute Daniel Berthereau 2024-05-21
^4.0.0 CECILL-2.1 public interaction,
Allow guest users or visitors to add a resource and to edit and complete metadata of a resource in the public side.
Copie IdRef Daniel Berthereau pour Université des Antilles et Université de la Guyane 2024-02-12
^4.0.0 CECILL-2.1 IdRef,
Create resources with data from IdRef and, if missing, create it on IdRef too.
Copy Resources Omeka Team 2024-09-11
^4.1.0 Copy selected resources (items, sites, etc.)
Correction (archived) Daniel Berthereau 2020-07-17
^1.3.0 || ^2.0.0 CECILL-2.1 public interaction,
Allow guest users or visitors identified by a token to correct and complete metadata of a resource in the public side.
Create Missing Thumbnails BibLibre 2023-09-29
^3.0.0 || ^4.0.0 Create missing thumbnails
CSS Editor Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media 2023-01-28
Add public CSS styles through the admin interface.
CSSEditor Omeka Team 2024-09-04
^3.0.0 || ^4.0.0 Allows for CSS overrides.
CSS Editor Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media, upgraded by BibLibre and Daniel Berthereau 2020-02-09
^1.1.0 || ^2.0.0 GPL-3.0 theme,
Add public CSS styles through the admin interface.
CSV Import Omeka Team and Daniel Berthereau 2024-09-20
^2.0.0 GPLv3 import,
bulk upload,
bulk update
Import and update content (items, item sets, media, users) from a CSV, a TSV or an ODS file.
CSV Import Omeka Team and Daniel Berthereau 2023-01-18
^3.0.0 GPLv3 import,
bulk upload,
bulk update
Import and update content (items, item sets, media, users) from a CSV, a TSV or an ODS file.
Custom Advanced Search Omeka Team 2021-06-24
^1.0.0 || ^2.0.0 Customize the advanced search form
CustomFloat Vincent Maillard
^1.2.0 || ^2.0.0 Add a CustomFloat field to the item views add, edit and show
Custom Ontology Daniel Berthereau 2024-04-11
^3.1.0 || ^4.0.0 CeCILL v2.1 ontology,
Create specific classes and properties to describe resources when no standard ontologies can be used.
Custom Vocab Omeka Team 2024-09-11
^4.0.0 Describe your resources using vocabularies you create.
Data Cleaning Omeka Team 2024-09-06
^4.0.0 Low-level auditing and cleaning of resource metadata
Data Repository Connector Omeka Team 2024-09-06
^4.0.0 Connect Omeka S to data repositories.
DataScribe Roy Rosenzweig Center for History & New Media 2024-04-03
^3.0.0 Transcribe structured data
DataScribe Data Types Roy Rosenzweig Center for History & New Media 2020-10-14
^3.0.0 Custom DataScribe data types created by and for RRCHNM
DataTypeClass Limonade&Co and Janneman for NDE 2022-05-12
^3.0.0 Allow user to choose a specific resource class as datatype
Data Type Geometry Daniel Berthereau for EHESS and Campus Condorcet 2024-07-11
^4.0.0 CeCILL-2.1 geographic coordinates,
Adds data types to store latitude, longitude, markers and area highlights of images and maps with wkt.
Data Type Place Daniel Berthereau for
^3.1.0 || ^4.0.0 CECILL-2.1 linked data,
Add a special data type to store common data about a place inside a single value, in particular Dublic Core: Spatial cover.
Data Type RDF Daniel Berthereau 2024-08-29
^4.0.0 CECILL-2.1 semantic web,
w3c recommendation,
linked data
Implement some W3C RDF datatypes (json, html, xml, boolean) in order to simplify user input and to give more semanticity to values of resources.
Data Visualization Omeka Team 2024-09-11
^4.0.0 Visualize your data
DCL Omeka Misc Dartmouth Library 2023-11-07
^3.1.0 || ^4.0.0 Miscellaneous configuration options and other customizations for Dartmouth Library's Omeka-S instances.
Deduplicate resources based on properties Daniel Berthereau 2024-04-24
^4.0.0 CECILL-2.1 admin,
Merge duplicated resources.
Derivative Images [archived] Daniel Berthereau 2021-01-04
^3.0.0 CECILL-2.1 admin,
Recreate (or create) derivative images.
Derivative Media Optimizer Daniel Berthereau 2024-08-28
^4.1.0 CECILL-2.1 multimedia,
cross-browser compatibility
Create and cache derivative files for items (zip, pdf, iiif, etc.) and optimize audio and video files for performance and cross-browser compatibility.
Diigo Import Samuel Szoniecky 2022-08-05
^3.0.0 Import items and files from Diigo user libraries.
Diva IIIF Viewer Daniel Berthereau 2021-03-18
^3.0.0 CeCILL v2.1 viewer,
digital library,
image comparison
Integrates Diva, an advanced, light and themable viewer, in order to display one or multiple images, local or remote, via the IIIF standard.
DocArchive Cooba corporation 2023-03-30
^3.0.0 A module for using Resource Tree And Special Character Search
Domain Manager University of Toronto Libraries 2024-07-26
^3.0.0 || ^4.0.0 Maps an Omeka site to domain
Donate to RRCHNM Roy Rosenzweig Center for History & New Media 2021-02-24
^3.0.0 Include a banner for donating to RRCHNM.
Dspace Connector Omeka Team 2024-09-11
^2.0.0 Connect Omeka S to DSpace repositories.
EAD Daniel Berthereau 2020-07-17
^1.2.0 || ^2.0.0 CECILL-2.1 EAD,
hierarchic list
Allow to manage archives from EAD finding aids and to visualize archival finding aids as a tree of documents.
EAD Import BibLibre 2024-04-02
^3.0.0 || ^4.0.0 Import items and item sets from XML files with custom mapping and ability to save and reload it later
Easy Admin Daniel Berthereau 2024-07-22
^4.0.0 CeCILL v2.1 administration,
cron task,
Manage tasks from the admin interface: install modules and themes, check database and files, bulk upload without limits, block concurrent edition, run cron tasks.
Easy Install Daniel Berthereau 2017-06-13
^1.0.0-beta3 CeCILL v2.1 utility,
Plugin for installing plugins and themes from the web ( and
Easy Install (archived, replaced by Easy Admin) Daniel Berthereau 2022-11-16
^3.1.0 CeCILL v2.1 utility,
Module for installing modules and themes from the web ( and
eBook Creator Daniel Berthereau 2021-04-12
^3.0.0 CECILL-2.1 export,
Merge selected resources into an ePub or a pdf file for publishing, report, or archiving purpose.
EhpSearchForm Pols12 2019-02-19
Letter and biblio search forms for e-HP website
EU Cookie Bar Daniel Berthereau 2023-02-02
^3.0.0 || ^4.0.0 CECILL-2.1 private life,
Adds a European Union warning about cookies and private life, if you use Google analytics, Facebook buttons or your own hacker tools to steal personal data of your visitors.
Exhibit List Corey Tegeler 2020-05-03
Exploratory Map Corey Tegeler 2022-12-02
Exploratory Text Corey Tegeler 2023-05-09
Export Laura Eiford 2022-08-12
^1.0.0 || ^2.0.0 || ^3.0.0 GPLv3 export,
bulk edit,
bulk update
Export collection metadata into a CSV file.
ExportIcons Satoru Nakamura 2022-02-13
^3.0.0 CC0 Add a text export icons.
Extended Site Description Omeka Team 2019-10-10
^1.1.0 || ^2.0.0 GPLv3
Extract Metadata Omeka Team 2024-10-04
^4.0.0 Extract embedded metadata from files
Extract Ocr bubdxm, completed by Daniel Berthereau 2019-03-14
^3.0.0 || ^4.0.0 GPL-3.0-or-later ocr,
Extract text layer from a pdf and attach it to item as a xml file, formatted with standard alto or simple pdf2xml or common tsv. The process uses the command line tool pdftohtml of poppler.
Extract Text Omeka Team 2024-09-26
^4.0.0 Extract text from files to make them searchable.
Faceted Browse Omeka Team 2024-10-15
^4.0.0 Add faceted browsing to your sites
Faceted Search Omeka Team 2021-04-05
^3.0.0 Add faceted search to your sites
Favorite Billxu 2023-01-28
^1.4.0 || ^2.0.0 CeCILL v2.1 user board Allow user to add favorite item.
Fedora Connector Omeka Team 2023-03-27
^2.0.0 Connect Omeka S to Fedora 4 repositories.
Feed (rss/atom) Daniel Berthereau pour la Fondation Maison de Salins 2024-07-10
^4.0.0 CeCILL-2.1 feed,
Add a rss/atom feed to Omeka with selected pages or resources.
Fields as Tags Libnamic 2023-08-31
^4.0.0 MIT web,
Shows browsable tags based in metadata fields in Omeka S item lists
File Sideload Omeka Team and Daniel Berthereau 2023-06-15
^4.0.0 Add files that are already on your server to items.
FIT FIT Library Digital Initiatives 2024-02-21
Makes some modification to Omeka-S to work with FIT Library's digital infrastructure and to play well with Archivematica. Modifies IIIF ingest. Adds new data types.
FixCjkSearch Satoru Nakamura 2024-06-17
^4.1.0 MIT CJK Fix cjk fulltext search.
Folksonomy Daniel Berthereau 2023-06-26
^3.1.0 || ^4.0.0 CeCILL v2.1 tag,
Add tags and tagging form to any resource to create uncontrolled vocabularies and tag clouds.
Footnotes Daniel Berthereau
^3.1.0 CeCILL v2.1 editorial,
Manage and display footnotes in a comfortable way for users, via a popup instead of the bottom of the page.
FreeSpace Sylvain Machefert 2024-03-22
Display the remaining space on disk on the admin dashboard.
Generic (archived, replaced by Common) Daniel Berthereau 2024-07-29
^3.2.0 || ^4.0.0 CeCILL-2.1 development Bring together all one-time methods used to install or to config another module.
Google Analytics Digirati 2018-07-23
^1.0.0 Omeka-S module for adding Google Analytics tracking code
Google Analytics Libnamic 2024-07-03
^3.0.0 || ^4.0.0 MIT web,
Includes simple support for Google Analytics in Omeka S
Google Tag Manager Dartmouth Library 2023-11-07
^3.1.0 || ^4.0.0 Simple module to add Google Tag Manager snippets to Omeka-S
Group Daniel Berthereau 2024-02-07
^4.0.0 CeCILL v2.1 administration,
Add groups to users and resources to manage the access rights and the resource visibility in a more flexible way.
GroupEdit Adam Doan 2019-03-19
^1.1.0 GNU General Public License v3.0 administration,
Extend the Groups module, allowing group membership to edit shared content.
Guest Daniel Berthereau 2019-06-18
^4.1.0 CECILL-2.1 authentication,
Adds a guest role. Can’t access backend, but allows plugins to use an authenticated user and to manage registration and authentication via api.
Guest Api (archived, integrated in Guest) Daniel Berthereau 2024-02-15
^3.1.0 || ^4.0.0 CECILL-2.1 authentication,
Manage the common user actions (guest or other roles) via api (register, change password, update profile…).
Guest Private Role Daniel Berthereau 2024-08-29
^3.1.0 || ^4.0.0 CECILL-2.1 authentication,
Adds a private guest role, who can see all sites, pages and resources, even private, but who cannot access admin board.
Guest Role BibLibre 2023-09-29
^3.0.0 || ^4.0.0 Adds a user role with no admin permissions
Guest User Biblibre 2020-10-05
Adds a guest user role. Can't access backend, but allows plugins to use an authenticated user
Générateur Samuel Szoniecky, Laboratoire Paragraphe, Université Paris 8 2023-02-09
^3.0.0 CC0-1.0 fake news,
Generate resources from items.
HelloWorld C-Dash Project: Paul Cote 2023-07-13
^3.0.0 || 4.0.0 A bare-bones demonstration module for Omeka-S. Intended as a tutorial or template.
Hide Properties John Flatness 2023-01-19
^3.0.0 || ^4.0.0 GPLv3
Hide Site Properties Billxu 2021-07-12
^3.0.0 GPLv3 This module currently only affects places where a view to show all the metadata for a property in site or golbal.
Hierarchical Browser PALP - Alex Brenon 2019-12-20
Add hierarchical browser to show parents and children on item pages.
Hierarchy Omeka Team 2024-10-17
^4.0.0 Gather and display resources in hierarchical groupings.
History Log Daniel Berthereau (rewrite of UC Santa Cruz University Library's Omeka 2 plugin) 2024-04-11
(v. 3.4.10-beta-7)
^4.0.0 CeCILL v2.1 administration,
admin trace,
Creates a log of basic curatorial events for each item, collection and file, including ingress, updates, and pushes, and compute statistics on evolution.
HtA Content Warning Banner Megan Brett, Roy Rosenzweig Center for History & New Media 2022-02-03
^3.0.0 Include a banner across the top of the site with a content warning. Forked from rrchnm-donate-omeka-s.
IdRef BibLibre 2023-01-28
Add IdRef data type
ID Resolver Omeka Team 2024-06-12
^4.1.0 Resolves legacy IDs to Omeka S resources via an endpoint
IIIF Download Satoru Nakamura 2022-02-10
^3.0.0 CC0 IIIF Add a download button for images from iiif manifest.
IIIFHosting Klokantech 2018-10-25
(v. 1.0.0-beta)
^1.0.0-beta3 IIIFHosting connector
IIIF Presentation Omeka Team 2024-09-11
^4.0.0 Implementation of the IIIF Presentation API
IIIF Preview GhentCDH 2023-09-19
^3.0.0 CC0 IIIF Display IIIF Viewer in admin item/item-set view
IIIF Search bubdxm, improved by Daniel Berthereau 2018-12-10
^3.1.0 || ^4.0.0 GPL-3.0-or-later iiif,
Search api for IIIF compliant viewers (Universal Viewer, Mirador, etc.)
IIIF Search (External) Satoru Nakamura 2022-02-11
^3.0.0 CC0 iiif,
Add the url of the search api to the manifest.
IIIF Server Daniel Berthereau 2024-10-21
^4.0.0 CeCILL v2.1 iiif,
Integrates the IIIF specifications to allow to share instantly images, audio and video.
IIIF Viewers Satoru Nakamura 2024-07-02
^3.0.0 || ^4.0.0 CC0 viewer,
Add links of IIIF Manifest and Viewers.
Image Annotate Omeka Team 2024-07-16
^4.1.0 Annotate images.
Image Map Vachan D A 2020-05-12
^2.0.0 Allows you to store image pixel locations to be used later for image maps.
Image Server Daniel Berthereau 2024-10-21
^4.0.0 CeCILL v2.1 iiif,
image server,
Simple and iiif compliant image server to process and share instantly images of any size in the desired formats.
Image With Text 2021-05-09
^3.0.0 MIT Display images with text overlaid on them
Input Method Editor Junaid PV 2023-11-22
^4.0.0 GPLv3
Internationalisation Daniel Berthereau for 2024-07-27
^3.0.0 || ^4.0.0 CECILL-2.1 translation,
Manage languages and translation by site and pages, and add a language switcher for the front-end.
Inverse Properties Omeka Team 2024-01-22
^4.0.0 Define inverse relations between properties.
Item Carousel Block Omeka Team 2021-03-12
^4.0.0 Add an item carousel page block.
Item Copy Géraldine Geoffroy 2022-11-25
^3.0.0 WTFPL admin,
Allow copy/paste Resources in one click in the browse items page of admin Dashboard. The module's latest version works only with Omeka S v3, for earlier versions of Omeka S see previous releases
ItemRelation 2022-07-10
^3.0.0 MIT Define item relations
Item Set Calendar BibLibre 2023-11-24
^3.0.0 || ^4.0.0 Browse items of an item set in a calendar view
Item Set Party BibLibre 2024-06-10
^3.0.0 || ^4.0.0 This module allows you to view a hierarchy of resources based on the item sets defined in its parameters. Resources are linked using the dcterms:hasPart property
Item Sets Graph Giacomo Nanni 2024-06-30
^3.1.0 || ^4.0.0
Item Sets Tree BibLibre 2024-04-04
^3.0.0 || ^4.0.0 Allows to organize item sets in a tree
ItemSet Total Pages Indic Digital Archive 2023-12-05
^4.0.0 Displays the total number of pages in items ('dcterms:extent') on the itemset page.
JDC Samuel Szoniecky 2024-05-03
^4.0.0 Cultiver ses connaissances dans omeka s
jQueryParallax Jonathan Candelaria 2022-02-19
Provides jQueryUI for other modules
jQueryUI BibLibre 2023-09-29
Provides jQueryUI for other modules
Kalturastream wgcowan 2020-01-20
^2.0.0 Kaltura Videostreaming for Omeka S
Ldap Tim Hollies 2020-11-18
^1.0.0-beta2 Authenticate Omeka-S users with LDAP
LDAP BibLibre 2023-09-08
^3.0.0 || ^4.0.0 Authentication with LDAP
Lesson Plans Nick Mastoris 2023-02-11
^3.1.0 lesson plans Description of lesson plans
Linked Data Sets Ibuildings 2024-08-26
^4.0.0 The Linked Data Sets module allows Omeka S users to create dataset descriptions in a data catalog with multiple distributions. When Itemsets are selected and an RDF format is chosen as distribution, a data dump is created from it.
Locale Switch BibLibre 2023-09-29
^3.0.0 Provides a view helper for allowing users to change the locale
Local Media Ingester BibLibre 2024-03-27
^2.0.0 || ^3.0.0 || ^4.0.0 Add files that are already on your server to items.
Lockout Daniel Berthereau (port of Johan Eenfeldt's plugin for WordPress) 2023-06-29
^3.0.0 || ^4.0.0 CeCILL v2.1 login,
Limit rate of login attempts for each IP to avoid brute-force attacks.
Log Daniel Berthereau 2024-06-18
^4.0.0 CECILL-2.1 monitor,
Monitor all logging messages and background jobs directly in the admin board or in the cloud and make them translatable and easily checkable.
Log Sentry Daniel Berthereau 2023-08-25
^4.0.0 CECILL-2.1 monitor,
Monitor end user errors via third party service Sentry.
Maintenance (archived, replaced by EasyAdmin) Daniel Berthereau 2023-01-25
^3.0.0 CeCILL v2.1 administration,
Add a setting to set the site under maintenance for the public. Can be disabled when unused.
Mapping Omeka Team 2024-10-16
^4.1.1 Add location info to your items and sites.
Mapping American Religious Ecologies Roy Rosenzweig Center for History & New Media 2020-10-29
^3.0.0 Enable functionality needed for Mapping American Religious Ecologies.
MarcXml Export BibLibre 2024-09-13
^3.1.0 GPLv3 MarcXml,
This module produces and exports files in marcxml format from selected resources according to a defined mapping.
Matomo BibLibre 2023-09-29
^3.0.0 || ^4.0.0 Add Matomo tracking code to Omeka S
MediaArchive The University of Tokyo Archives 2023-03-30
^3.0.0 Make zip archive for all of attached files
Media Watermark Pierre-Alain SIMON 2021-01-14
^1.0.0 watermark Omeka S module for adding watermark on uploaded medias
Menu Daniel Berthereau 2024-07-10
^4.0.0 CeCILL v2.1 structure,
Create multiple menus, for example a top menu, a sidebar menu and a footer menu, or any structure anywhere.
Mesostiche Samuel Szoniecky 2022-01-07
^3.0.0 A page block layout to display Mesostiche poem
Metadata Browse Omeka Team 2024-04-29
^1.0.0 || ^2.0.0 Adds a link to same results for metadata values.
Metadata Editor Laura Eiford 2019-05-23
^1.0.0 GPLv3 metadata,
bulk edit,
bulk update
Find and replace for item metadata.
Meta Tags Daniel Berthereau
^4.0.0 CECILL-2.1 social network,
Adds Open Graph and Twitter cards tags inside the header of all pages and resources to display them automatically in social networks.
Mirador Brumfield Labs, LLC 2020-06-08
^2.1.2 Apache
Mirador Viewer Daniel Berthereau 2024-04-09
^4.0.0 CeCILL v2.1 viewer,
digital library,
image comparison,
Integrates Mirador, an advanced viewer, in order to display one or multiple images, audio, and video, local or remote, via the IIIF standard.
Model viewer Daniel Berthereau 2024-03-22
^3.1.0 || ^4.0.0 CeCILL v2.1 viewer,
digital library
Integrates the Three js viewer in order to display 3D models.
MP Custom Input 2021-07-20
^3.0.0 MIT
Mroonga search Kentaro Fukuchi 2021-12-09
3.x MIT License validation Enabling Mroonga engine for CJK-ready full-text search. Mroonga plugin for MySQL or MariaDB must be installed and configured.<br/><strong>WARNING:</strong> Backup the database before installing this module.
My My Organization 2018-05-01
^1.0.0 Module dictionnaire pour Omeka-S
N-gram search Kentaro Fukuchi 2020-10-06
2.x MIT License validation Enabling MySQL's N-gram tokenizer for CJK full-text search. This module is only suitable for MySQL 5.7 or later. If you use MariaDB, please try 'Mroonga search' instead.<br/><strong>WARNING:</strong> Backup the database before installing this module.
NDE Termennetwerk Omeka Team 2024-10-15
^4.0.0 Adds NDE (Netwerk Digitaal Erfgoed) Termennetwerk to the Value Suggest module
Neatline Scholars Lab 2023-12-07
>=4.0 Apache License, Version 2.0 Plot your course in space and time.
Necropolis BibLibre 2024-06-10
^3.0.0 || ^4.0.0 Keep track of deleted resources
Nested Data Types Giacomo Nanni 2024-10-18
^4.0.0 Allow users to choose a specific resource class as datatype, and inner properties.
Network Map Corey Tegeler 2022-12-02
Next Daniel Berthereau 2024-05-02
^3.1.0 || ^4.0.0 CeCILL-2.1 feature,
Bring together various features too small to be a full module; may be integrated in the next release of Omeka S, or not.
No Google Chrome Flock Tracking Daniel Berthereau 2024-05-21
^1.0.0 || ^2.0.0 || ^3.0.0 || ^4.0.0 CECILL-2.1 private life,
Adds a HTTP header to the site to invite Google not to track visitors with a flock identifier via Chrome and derivative browsers
OAI-PMH Harvester David Dean - based on code from Roy Rosenzweig Center for History & New Media and Daniel Berthereau 2019-05-02
^1.0.0 GNU/GPL v3 harvest,
bulk import,
Harvest content from an OAI-PMH repository.
OAI-PMH Harvester Daniel Berthereau (based on the port of Vincent Buard for PSL) 2022-11-03
^1.2.0 || ^2.0.0 GPL-3.0 admin,
Fetch records from remote OAI-PMH repositories
OAI-PMH Repository Daniel Berthereau (based on port from Omeka Classic plugin of John Flatness by BibLibre) 2024-05-24
^4.0.0 GPL-3.0 share,
open data,
library protocol,
dublin core,
Exposes Omeka items as an OAI-PMH repository.
OAI Pmh Harvester Vincent Buard for PSL 2024-02-19
^1.0.0 Harvest OaiPmh repositories.
OaiPmhRepositoryMediaPropertyMapper BibLibre 2024-06-10
^3.2.0 || ^4.0.0 Expose media properties through OAI-PMH
OctopusViewer BibLibre 2023-03-09
^3.0.0 || ^4.0.0 Gather all your media in a lightweight viewer
Omeka 2 Importer Omeka Team 2024-02-08
^2.0.0 Import content from an Omeka 2 site via its API.
Omeka S Item Importer Omeka Team 2021-11-05
(v. 0.0.1-alpha)
^3.1.0 Import items from other Omeka S installations
Omeka S Item Importer Omeka Team 2024-09-11
^4.0.0 Import items from other Omeka S installations
OmekaSModuleBootstrap Richard Whitmer 2023-02-06
^4.0.0 Starter directory and file structure for Omeka S modules
Omeka Starter Kit Stephen Fraser 2022-02-12
^1.0.0 Developer friendly example of Omeka module
Omeka Twig Tim Hollies 2023-11-17
^1.0.0-beta Use twig templates in Omeka-S themes
ORCID Connector Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media 2021-06-24
^1.1.0 Connect users and their content to ORCID data
Output Formats Omeka Team 2024-10-18
^4.0.0 Include links to alternate output formats.
Page Blocks Ivy Rose 2024-09-27
^4.1.0 Modular, customizable page elements.
Pdf Creator Daniel Berthereau 2024-02-28
^3.1.0 || ^4.0.0 CeCILL v2.1 pdf,
Create a pdf for a resource from an html template dynamically.
PDF Embed John Flatness 2024-06-23
^3.0.0 || ^4.0.0 Embed PDF files within Omeka S pages
PdfText Vincent BUARD 2021-03-18
Extract data from PDF files for indexation
PdfToc bubdxm, bases PDF TOC plugin omeka 2019-01-11
^4.0.0 Extracts table of contents from PDF files
Pdf Viewer Daniel Berthereau 2023-06-13
^3.1.0 || ^4.0.0 CeCILL v2.1 viewer,
document viewer
Display pdf directly in public pages via the browser viewer or a customizable internal viewer.
PerformanceLabRestApi Vincent Maillard
^2.0.0 Augmente de la REST API d'Omeka S pour les besoins du Performance Lab.
Persistent Identifiers Omeka Team 2023-02-13
^4.0.0 Create/import/assign persistent identifiers to Omeka S items.
PersonalNotebook BibLibre 2023-09-29
^3.0.0 || ^4.0.0 Allow users to take personal notes about Omeka resources
Psl BibLibre 2023-09-29
Various things specific to PSL
PslSearchForm BibLibre 2023-09-29
PSL search form
Pueue Parallel Job Dispatcher GhentCDH 2024-05-24
^3|^4 Dispatch Omeka-S Jobs using Pueue parallel job scheduler
Pyramid Image Builder BibLibre 2023-09-29
^3.0.0 || ^4.0.0 Build pyramid images for Omeka S media, useful for IIIF Image servers
Quark BibLibre 2021-11-18
^2.0.0 Quick UUID-based ARKs
Quark BibLibre 2024-06-10
^3.0.0 || ^4.0.0 Quick UUID-based ARKs
Rameau Daniel Berthereau pour Université des Antilles et Université de la Guyane
^3.0.0 || ^4.0.0 CECILL-2.1 indexation,
controlled vocabulary,
Describe resources using auto-suggested values from the French controlled vocabulary Rameau, designed for subject-based indexing and use it with Solr.
Random Items Block BibLibre 2023-09-29
^3.0.0 || ^4.0.0 A page block layout to display random items
RDF Datatype (archived, replaced by DataTypeRdf) Daniel Berthereau 2023-02-01
^1.1.0 || ^2.0.0 CECILL-2.1 semantic web,
w3c recommendation,
linked data
Implement the main W3C RDF datatypes (html, xml, boolean, integer, decimal and date/time) in order to simplify user input and to give more semanticity to values of resources.
Reciprocal Daniel Berthereau 2023-05-23
^4.0.0 CECILL-2.1 semantic,
Automatically add the reciprocal value in the reciprocal property of a linked resource.
Redact Values Omeka Team 2024-09-11
^4.0.0 Redact values
Redirect After Login BibLibre 2024-08-29
^2.0.0 || ^3.0.0 || ^4.0.0 Redirect users to a different URL after login
Reference Daniel Berthereau 2024-10-21
^4.1.0 CeCILL v2.1 glossary,
Add glossary pages and blocks with the alphabetical indexes of specified classes and properties.
RefFormation BibLibre 2023-09-08
^3.2.0 || ^4.0.0 Import RefFormation thesaurus (requires Taxonomy)
Relators 2022-04-13
^3.0.0 Add relators to your metadata.
Resource Meta Omeka Team 2024-07-30
^4.0.0 Add meta tags to resources.
ResourceNetworks Samuel Szoniecky, Laboratoire Paragraphe 2021-06-10
^3.0.0 CeCILL v2.1 network,
Affichage des relations d'un item sous forme de réseaux
ResourceTree Cooba corporation 2023-03-30
^3.0.0 create hierarchical relation of resources.
RestrictedSites Laurent Thomas 2023-06-11
^4.0.0 Restricts access of public sites to the user list defined in site settings. Displays a login landing page for anonymous users.
Rights Statements John Flatness 2023-01-19
^3.0.0 || ^4.0.0
Robots Ivy Rose 2024-09-27
^4.0.0 Enables admins to publish a robots.txt file
RoleBasedNavigation Laurent Thomas 2023-02-14
^4.0.0 Add role based options to show or hide links in site navigation.
S3 FileStore John Flatness 2024-06-17
^3.0.0 | ^4.0.0 Store files in Amazon S3
SACO Laurent Thomas 2024-06-02
SACO - Simple Analogue Camera Ontoloy - Vocabulary to describe analogue cameras, lenses and brands.
Scraping Samuel Szoniecky 2021-04-08
^4.0.0 Scraping Web Pages.
Scripto Omeka Team 2024-09-11
^4.0.0 Transcribe and translate items.
Scripto IIIF BibLibre 2024-06-21
^3.2.0 || ^4.0.0 Expose Scripto content as IIIF annotations
Scripto Import Contributors BibLibre 2023-10-23
^3.2.0 || ^4.0.0 Import contributors from Mediawiki. Requires Scripto
Scripto Page Blocks Limonade&Co 2020-10-08
^2.0.0 CECILL-2.1 scripto,
Provide additionals Scripto's pages blocks
Search BibLibre 2024-10-04
^3.0.0 || ^4.0.0 Add search capabilities to Omeka S
Search (archived, replaced by Advanced Search) Daniel Berthereau (based on module Search v0.4.0 of BibLibre) 2022-03-10
^3.0.0 CECILL-2.1 search,
advanced search,
Add improved search capabilities to Omeka S: auto-suggest, filters, facets, etc.
Search by Visibility Bruno Favaretto 2019-06-08
^1.4.0 CeCILL v2.1 search,
Add visibility options to the advanced search form.
Search History Daniel Berthereau pour la Fondation Maison de Salins 2023-09-08
^3.1.0 || ^4.0.0 CeCILL v2.1 user board,
search history
Allow user to save search and to callback it via the guest account.
Search Solr (archived, replaced by Search Adapter for Solr) Daniel Berthereau (forked from module Solr of BibLibre) 2021-04-14
^3.0.0 CECILL-2.1 Solr,
Search Omeka resources instantly and deeply with Lucene / Solr
Selection Daniel Berthereau 2024-10-21
^4.1.0 CeCILL v2.1 personal library,
user board,
search history
Allow any visitor to store selected resources or search queries through sessions and to export them to common formats.
Server URL Override John Flatness 2024-07-11
^3.1.0 || ^4.0.0 Manually set server URL
Share Me Baby Kaeness and Christian Lescuyer 2024-08-07
^3.0.0 || ^4.0.0 Add simple social sharing buttons block to Omeka S
Sharing Omeka Team 2024-06-20
^4.0.0 Share and embed content on the web
Shibboleth (archived, replaced by Single Sign-On) Daniel Berthereau 2024-04-22
^4.0.0 CECILL-2.1 admin,
Authenticate on Omeka S via Shibboleth single sign-on.
Shortcode Daniel Berthereau 2023-05-23
^3.1.0 || ^4.0.0 CeCILL v2.1 shortcode,
Insert shortcuts in site pages in order to render more content via a simple string like `[shortcode]`.
Simple Block John Flatness 2018-06-21
Simple Carousel ESnark 2022-07-07
^1.1.0 MIT Display carousels into pages
Simple Carousel Jonathan Candelaria (Maintaing Project) 2023-06-14
^4.0.0 MIT Display carousels into pages
Simple IIIF Omeka Team 2022-06-08
(v. 0.1.0-alpha)
^3.99.0 Simple IIIF integration
Simple PDF Ivy Rose 2024-09-27
^3.0.0 || ^4.0.0 Embeds a simple yet accessible document viewer for PDF files.
Simpler Carousel Artefacto, based on an early module by ESnark 2021-01-14
^3.0.0 MIT Display carousels into pages with lots of options
Simple Reference Artefacto 2021-05-21
^3.0.0 MIT Display reference of all items by year range
Single Sign-On Daniel Berthereau 2024-10-10
^4.1.0 CeCILL v2.1 login,
single sign-on,
Authenticate automatically on Omeka S via single sign-on (SSO) through SAML or Shibboleth and manage multiple identity providers automatically.
SiteLog Billxu 2021-10-06
^3.0.0 Record,
Record activity records of visitors in the sites, and report in admin board.
Sitemaps Laurent Thomas 2024-08-23
^4.0.0 Sitemaps - Generate individual dynamic sitemaps for sites
SiteSlugAsSubdomain Franck Dupont 2024-02-02
>=3.0 CeCILL v2.1 domains,
Provide the ability to map the sites slugs as subdomains
SiteSwitcher Laurent Thomas 2023-02-14
^4.0.0 Very simple navigation link to switch between sites
Solr BibLibre 2024-10-03
^3.1.0 || ^4.0.0 Add Solr search adapter
SolrImprovements Pols12 2018-08-27
Ajoute la possibilité d’indexer une propriété spécifique d’une ressource liée. (En attendant l’intégration de la Pull Request.)
Sparql Daniel Berthereau for 2024-08-28
^4.1.0 CeCILL v2.1 search,
Create a rdf triplestore and query Omeka S json-ld database and all external linked data via the Sparql language.
SpecialCharacterSearch The University of Tokyo Archives 2023-03-30
^3.0.0 it is able to display special charcter by searching normal character. Require to install CSVImport module
SruSrwMaker The University of Tokyo Archives 2023-03-30
^3.0.0 SruSrw
Statistics Daniel Berthereau 2024-08-28
^4.0.0 CeCILL v2.1 administration,
Statistics about resources and analytics about viewed pages.
STest Patrick Murray-John 2016-10-18
Test a bunch of random stuff
Storymap Alan Stanley 2021-04-14
^1.2.0 || ^2.0.0 CeCILL v2.1 storymap,
Integrate the Knightlab Storymap to create advanced storymaps from the geocordinates of items.
Table Daniel Berthereau for Numistral 2024-07-22
^4.0.0 CECILL-2.1 admin,
Manage tables of data for other modules.
Taxonomy BibLibre 2023-12-08
^3.1.0 || ^4.0.0 Create controlled vocabularies with Omeka S resources
Teams Alex Dryden 2024-08-12
^3.0.0 || ^4.0.0 Assigns items and itemsets to teams so that only approved team mates see them
Thesauri 2022-03-18
^3.0.0 MIT Easier work with SKOS thesauri
Thesaurus Daniel Berthereau for Institut national d’histoire de l’art (INHA) 2024-07-22
^4.1.0 CeCILL v2.1 thesaurus,
hierarchic list
Manage a standard thesaurus (ontology skos) to describe documents with a tree structure.
Thesaurus Onroerend Erfgoed Vlaanderen Ghent Centre for Digital Humanities 2024-05-24
^3|^4 controlled vocabulary Describe resources using auto-suggested values from the Thesaurus Onroerend Erfgoed Vlaanderen.
Timeline Daniel Berthereau 2024-08-12
^4.1.0 CeCILL v2.1 timeline,
data visualization
Integrate the Simile Timeline and the Knightlab Timeline to create advanced timelines from the dates of items.
Transcript Ivy Rose 2024-09-27
^4.0.0 Embeds audio or videos alongside an interactive transcript.
Translations Daniel Berthereau 2023-02-28
^1.0.0 || ^2.0.0 || ^3.0.0 || ^4.0.0 CECILL-2.1 theme,
Allows to add specific translations of strings, in particular the hard-coded texts in the theme.
Translations Daniel Berthereau 2023-11-07
^1.0.0 || ^2.0.0 || ^3.0.0 || ^4.0.0 CECILL-2.1 theme,
Allows to add specific translations of strings, in particular the hard-coded texts in the theme.
TypesenseSearch Joe Paul and Kailash Nadh 2024-09-11
^3.1.0|^4.0.0 GPL v3 search,
search engine,
search index,
Integrates typesense search plugin.
unAPI Omeka Team 2022-12-13
^4.0.0 Make your item metadata discoverable using unAPI.
Unique Constraint Violation Exception Julian Maurice 2024-05-31
^2.0.0 || ^3.0.0
UniqueProperties Joe Paul 2023-05-24
^3.1.0|^4.0.0 GPL v3 deduplication,
Deduplicates the property values.
Unity RenderHeads Ltd 2020-10-29 [not a module] Omeka S API support for Unity game engine
Universal Viewer Daniel Berthereau (improvements based on BibLibre port) 2024-02-12
^4.0.0 CeCILL v2.1 viewer,
digital library
Integrates the Universal Viewer in order to create carousels of virtual books from image files and to display any media file (pdf, audio, video, 3D…) in a unified player.
Upgrade from Omeka Classic Daniel Berthereau 2020-02-09
^1.3.0 CeCILL v2.1 omeka theme,
compatibility layer
Add a compatibility layer to use Omeka Classic themes that were upgraded via the plugin Upgrade to Omeka Semantic.
URI Dereferencer Omeka Team 2024-09-11
^4.0.0 Dereferences URIs when viewing items, media, and item sets.
UserNames Laurent Thomas 2024-03-28
^4.0.0 Adds username capabilities to Omeka S
User Profile Daniel Berthereau 2024-03-28
^4.0.0 CeCILL v2.1 administration,
guest user
Add new settings to the user records in admin and public guest board.
Value Suggest Omeka Team 2024-10-03
^4.0.0 Describe your resources using auto-suggested values from controlled vocabulary services.
Value Suggest: Any Daniel Berthereau pour le Campus Condorcet
^3.1.0 || ^4.0.0 CECILL-2.1 curation,
Describe your resources with vocabularies from any json-ld endpoint like the ones provided by OpenTheso or Omeka, via ValueSuggest.
Verovio MEI Viewer Daniel Berthereau 2021-06-14
^3.0.0 CeCILL v2.1 viewer,
musical score,
Integrates Verovio, an XML-MEI and MusicXML viewer for musical scores.
ViewerJS Daniel Berthereau 2024-07-22
^4.1.0 CeCILL v2.1 viewer,
document viewer,
open document,
Display standard document formats (pdf and office: pdf, odt, ods, odp) in a light unified player.
View Private Resources Omeka Team 2023-03-29
^2.0.0||^3.0.0||^4.0.0 Allow researcher and author roles to view private resources
Web Monetization Roy Rosenzweig Center for History & New Media 2021-02-23
^2.0.0 || ^3.0.0 Enable streaming micropayments on your sites
Wikidata Nishad Thalhath 2024-10-12
^3.0.0 Describe resources using values and URIs from Wikidata.
XML Viewer Daniel Berthereau 2021-09-13
^4.0.0 CeCILL v2.1 XML,
Allows to render xml files, like TEI.
Zip Daniel Berthereau 2024-05-21
^3.1.0 || ^4.0.0 CECILL-2.1 download,
Create zip of resources (record + media files) that the visitor can download, and zip of files directories for backup purpose.
Zip to Bulk Import Archatomic and Conlan Craft with LaTaevia Berry & Fisk University 2024-06-26
^4.0.0 cloud storage,
file system,
media files,
digital objects,
bulk upload
Extends CSVImport and AnyCloud with functionality that allows users to upload a zip file containing digital objects and corresponding metadata within a csv.
Zotero Citations Omeka Team 2023-11-24
^4.0.0 Use Zotero in rich-text editors to generate citations and bibliographies
Zotero Import Omeka Team 2024-09-11
^4.0.0 Import items and files from Zotero user and group libraries.
Zotero Importplus Omeka Team & Samuel Szoniecky 2023-07-18
^4.0.0 Import items, files, notes and tags from Zotero user and group libraries.